lol yes typo i have 22 and 23 gauge.
lol yes typo i have 22 and 23 gauge.
you are using 22 or 23 g to pin. I draw with a 23g and pin with a 25g. pain was considerably less for me when using a 25 g needle.
YES it matters and there is! It would be VERY VERY OH MY LORD VERY ...PAINFUL to hit the nerve running down the middle of your ass cheek. It would be crippling!
I’m not trying to scare you. I did a glut shot not long ago. But you have to know what you’re doing...
here is a link that may help:
Delt: (I rec middle delt)
And I say don’t bother with quad shots, there’s lots of veins there and I found it too much. Gluts and delts.
For glutes use a mirror you can stand in front of. It helps to see.
23 is fine for genral though so if only that no worries.
I have to seriously disagree. The quadriceps are my favorite places to inject, hands down. It's been shown that larger muscles are able to absorb compounds much more efficiently than smaller ones. I can only guess that the factor involves how much more bloodflow there is in the quad and glute compared to a smaller muscle such as the delt or tricep. Also, when we're injecting every day or every other day, only using the glutes and delts is NOT going to cut it. If you don't space out your injection sites enough, you end up with too much scar tissue and pools of oil that will negate absorption. There are so many places on the quad that I inject it is ridiculous. I started out using only two places on each quad, but now I probably use somewhere around five places on each quad, and I have no problems with hitting veins or nerves. The only time this has happened was about a year and a half ago when I got too close to the sciatic nerve on my left quad, but that was because I just pinned too close to the side, when I should have been focusing on the outer corner of my thigh. I inject test, deca, HCG, and Vitamin B12, and I inject every day. If it weren't for the diversity of injection sites that my quads offered, I'd be in serious trouble.
i have no issue with the quads either. I've never had a problem with the nerves and last week was the first time ever that i got blood when i aspirated in the quad
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
i only have used quads(did 3 shots so far) ive been using about 6 inches above knee, out side, well inbetween the front above knee and side so a angle i guess. i aspirate and no problems so far,. scared to do delt, the diagram is a huge guy and my delts arent that big haha...scared to mess up. cant do ass alone especially for first time. so quads it is...unless i can figure the delt thing out.
yes thats your front delt. Your delts are plenty big enough to inject into
its hard from that angle but between the 2nd and 3rd letters of your tat
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
thanks again gixxerboy!
I some what agree, pinning too often in same spot can lead to a steril absess and can turn septic over tiem if you dotn stop pinnign there and allowing whats there to dessolve and absorb.
but for me I hit:
front delt
mid delt
for me thats nuff.
I will agree that you may need more. I was doing primo 900mg ew (thats alot of oil) + 500mg teste. and I ended up starting to develop a sterile absess in my glute. ( I was using mid delts and gluts)
how do I know? well one day about 13 weeks in I aspirated white stuff came out. I ended cycle for 2 month sticking with only 500mg teste ew..
at the time I did not ever pin front delts.
now I am doign somthing simaler but only using 500mg ew primo, 200mg maste ew, 250mg teste ew and 50-100mg anadrol ed (6wks).
you DEFF have to not pin too often or TO much int he same spot. this I agree. but I still dont like quad shots, maybe I have more vains in leg then you or there bigger, not sure. but I hope I dont meet the day I need to keep pinning them. one cycle was nuff for me.
thats the front delt and I only sterted to use that this year. it is small and tricky and i would not use more than 1ml in there. the side delt is right next to it.
here is link:
Damn man, that sounds pretty scary. I've heard of others experiencing this and the prognosis was that it was actually dead white blood cells coming out as a result of an infection. You probably got lucky that it didn't turn gangrenous, unless you ended up on antibiotics that is, and assuming it was an infection.
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