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Thread: nolva and liquadex question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The Gym-aka my garage :-)

    nolva and liquadex question

    If I use liquadex, do I still need nolva on hand? From what I have read, I get the impression that I would. Havn't got a solid answer though.

    If I would still need the nolva, why even use the liqidex...aside from water weight?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    You see, I have read exactly what your reply was 30 times (no offense). That is why I am posting the question that I am.

    My point here is, that if you buy liquadex to prevent gyno from happening in the first place, but,... yet you still have to buy nolva "JUST IN CASE" then if you ask me.....the liqudex is not even close to being worth the money (complete waste of)....,unless you like the benefit of loosing the water weight.

    But if that was the case, don't they make pills (a lot cheaper) that help with the water retention?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    I'm a big fan of liquidex and I never had to use nolva while using it. But everyone is different....for me it's like a two for one deal ! The only time it may not work as an anti-e is when running deca ....where you would need bromo rahter than nolva to fight gyno.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    Personally I too love liquidex... it's really helping me. But here's my rational on why it's important.

    If you're taking liquidex and gyno starts to show up - you must think to yourself, just imagine how bad it would have been if you WEREN'T taking the liquidex. Getting gyno while on dex would indicate to me that you were EXTREMELY prone to gyno....because dex does work in lowering the estrogen in the body.

    Dex is also used by some during cutting cycles even if they are only running an helps reduce the estrogen in the body so that some of the 'hard to reach' fatty areas can be targetted. Whether this actually works or not is up for debate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    Still doesn't make sense to me. Thanks a lot for the replies!

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