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  1. #1
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Feb 2012

    1st Cycle - Expected Sides from Test?

    Cliffs at bottom

    Hey guys. This is my first post on this forum, but I'm a longtime lurker and have been doing extensive reading about different steroids to determine which might be the best for my first cycle. I'm currently 18 years old and I won't even consider using steroids for a couple years until I hit my genetic potential. With that being said, I'm still having a hard time deciding what steroid would be the best for my first cycle.

    I know most people recommend test as a base for a first cycle, but I'm a little concerned about the sides that come along with it. Acne is a concern to me because I have very sensitive skin, I've been on accutane and my skin is all clear now, but I don't want to mess that all up by doing a cycle that's going to cause my to break out like crazy. Sexual dysfunction looks like a horrible side as well and I'm pretty concerned about how that could possible effect me, and how I could prevent that with PCT. As for gyno, I don't think I'm extremely prone to it but wouuld run propper PCT with clomid or nolva of course.

    How low of a dose could I go on test to still make decent gains, but minimize the sides? Obviously most test=bigger gains but I'd rather have smaller mass inceases and small sides.

    I also looked into doing an Anavar only cycle. Even though it's pretty much used for cutting, from what I've read the people who've done a var only cycle with propper PCT have had gains of 10-15 lbs of lbm and retained almost 100% of those gains. Also sides are usually next to none from people running 40-50 mg ed of var for a 6-8 wk cycle.

    Because I'm so worried about sides, would it be better to run a low dose test first cycle or a var only first cycle? If you say test how can I avoid those nasty sides like acne, hair loss, and especially sexual dysfuntion (that one makes me cringe just thinking about it). Would a lose does of test give me nasty sides assuming I'm prone to most?

    Also, do you think at 21, running a var only cycle at 40 mg ed would really have bad sides longterm?

    I know that's a lot of questions, I just don't want to make a stupid decision that's going to mess me up longterm. Thanks for reading/responding.

    -At 21 what would be a better first cycle: test or var only
    -I'm very concerned about sides from test, especially sexual dysfuntion
    -Can I avoid these sides will low doses of test and propper PCT
    -Would it be better to just run a var only cycle?

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    25 is the age bro or your asking for trouble.

  3. #3
    Scat40 is offline Junior Member
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    You got a long wait till your 1st cycle. Think how big you can get in that amount of time!

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    At 21, I wouldn't do a cycle. Especially since you are already concerned about sides. A cycle can mess you up now more than ever. Better to wait.

  5. #5
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Yeah I was hoping to hit around 190 with 7-8% bf before I ever used an AAS, or possibly use var to cut to that percentage after I'm done bulking.

    Could someone answer this: I've read quite a few threads on younger people using AAS and understand how it can affect if you're done growing, but would I really be looking at adverse side effects from low doses of test or var at 21 if I was done growing and had hit my genetic potential?

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I will put it in laymans terms for you.At your age your hepta is not fully developed.So doing ANY aas can cause harm.There is no safe aas.I hoped this answered your question.

  7. #7
    boisebeast is offline Member
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    Feb 2012
    thanks man, appreciate the advice

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