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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    aventador is offline New Member
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    I have been lifting for 3 years now, a year and a half actually fully committed everyday... Ive done a pro hormone lg sciences (natadrol) but nothing more.
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 162
    Body Fat: 11%
    Calories: I usually eat around 3200 day if not more. Rice, chicken, greens, white pasta's etc.

    Weeks 1-6 : anavar at 40mg
    Weeks 6-8: Nolvadex 20mgs

    Other Supps:
    Milk Thistle
    Fish oil
    Hawthorne berry

    Day 1: Chest/Bi
    Day 2: Shoulder/tri
    Day 3: Back
    Day 4: Legs
    Day 5: Off
    Day 6: Repeat

    Like I said, first actually cycle. Just wondering what's your guys thoughts are.
    Last edited by aventador; 02-28-2012 at 07:20 PM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    The best advice I can give you is that your still too young to cycle. Wait a few more years and do everything possible to maximize your gains. Eat more (yes, you can) and maybe spend some time in the nutrition forum as there are some great guys there who can seriously help you. What your intending to do really does not constitute a cycle. Anavar can be great but it does not suit your purpose. Plus it is suppressive to your HPTA.

    Seriously, your too young at this point and need to look into your diet and training. Keep reading here! Don't rush it.

  3. #3
    BUTTERYGOODNESS is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    The best advice I can give you is that your still too young to cycle. Wait a few more years and do everything possible to maximize your gains. Eat more (yes, you can) and maybe spend some time in the nutrition forum as there are some great guys there who can seriously help you. What your intending to do really does not constitute a cycle. Anavar can be great but it does not suit your purpose. Plus it is suppressive to your HPTA.

    Seriously, your too young at this point and need to look into your diet and training. Keep reading here! Don't rush it.
    Listen to this OP. u don't need aas man. I'm speaking from exp of never using aas. I'm 19 and from what ppl tell me I'm making amazing gains without it. Trust me with strict diet an exercise u can make amazing gains that will blow ur mind. Check member exp. forums for more pics of me

  4. #4
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    at 5'11 and 162 you have several years of eating and lifting to go. You are WAY too young, but even if you were old enough it would be same advice and instead of saying you are way too young, I would say you are way to LIGHT.

    Diet brother.


  5. #5
    aventador is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    Thanks guys.. Good info . Been researching this kind of stuff for about 2 years . Really hard not to start a cycle Expecially when it's sitting in your cupboard lol . I'll keep training though and cramming as much food as I can.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Trust us aventador. I was 6' and 155 when I graduated high school. You can grow exponentially just with proper food and a good workout routine. Stick to the basics. Heavy and hard workouts, don't overdo it. Especially with an ectomorphic frame. Your growing when your resting!

    Stick around here. Keep learning. Don't F with your HPTA at this point in your life. Not worth the risk.

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