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Thread: need expert or doctor advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thornton, co

    need expert or doctor advice

    hey guys, what's up? i developed a blood clot in my brain a while back from using anabolic steroids. i am cool now, but i almost died. anyways, my doc told my to stay away from the juice. but, i am addicted to this shit, i am actually thinking about juicing again. if i do, i will run the risk of developing another clot in my brain. is there anything that can be done to prevent this? or should i just forget about it all together? any advice would be appreciated. thanks.

  2. #2
    The Iron Game Guest
    aspirin but wtf are you trying to do? kill yourself?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    see a psychiatrist for your addiction

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    College Station, Texas
    Who determined your blood clot is from AS use? How do you know its from AS use?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    just lay off the juice if its from that bro, I'm no expert, but if you are aiming to get a better body, you probably want to live in it for a little while, just my 2 cc's


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: need expert or doctor advice

    Originally posted by puroresu
    hey guys, what's up? i developed a blood clot in my brain a while back from using anabolic steroids. i am cool now, but i almost died. anyways, my doc told my to stay away from the juice. but, i am addicted to this shit, i am actually thinking about juicing again. if i do, i will run the risk of developing another clot in my brain. is there anything that can be done to prevent this? or should i just forget about it all together? any advice would be appreciated. thanks.
    Bro, you sound like a walking commercial for Juicers Anonymous. (Come to think of it, I wonder if there is such a group . . . "Hi, my name is Bob, and I'm a juicer. I haven't shot cyp for three weeks now!" Everyone: "Thanks for sharing, Bob!")

    Seriously, if you want expert advice, you'll get some of that here, but you have to be careful - not everyone is an expert. And if you want a doctor's advice, see a doctor. Hey, there might even be a physician or two here on the board, but no doctor is going to give you advice based on a simplistic description like "blood clot on the brain." Everyone is different, and every case is specific and individual.

    The problem is, you already have a doctor, and he has obviously given you sound advice. If you developed a clot because of AS in the past, chances are a hundred-fold (figuratively speaking) that you will again if you continue to use AS. In other words, not every smoker will get lung cancer or have a heart attack, but those who have and continue to smoke are asking for more of the same - their risk factor has already been established.

    I concur with The Iron Game's question - it would seem that you have a subconscious death wish. But I do have to take issue with my bro's recommendation about the aspirin . . . We already know that AS has had some type of impact on your brain. Aspirin is an anti-coagulant, and if you have previously been susceptible to a clot, you could just as easily be susceptible to a hemmorage. (In fact, if you actually had a clot, I would question whether your doctor has already prescribed aspirin or Coumadin on a regular basis.)

    If you have half a brain - and you're lucky enough to have a whole brain - you already know the answer, and shouldn't be looking for a pontifical blessing to use AS here. You said it yourself: forget about it altogether. You're 31 years old, and can half a long life ahead of you. Not everyone can take AS without consequences, and you're lucky enough to have pulled through once. Don't risk it a second time.

    And seriously, you are not alone. There are lots of guys who are in a similar situation - they've had severe negative effects from AS yet still feel compelled to use them. If I were you, I would seek out a support group, because I get the impression that there is one out there.
    Last edited by TNT; 11-30-2001 at 01:53 PM.

  7. #7
    Listen if your doctor is telling you something and you don't trust him get a new doctor. This is for anything. You have to trust your doctor at all times and if you don't then look for a new one.

    As everyone else said you have to know when it is worth taking risks, and when the chance of death gets high it is never worth the risk.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york
    TNT- a man of many words??? j/k....... puro, i would stay off that shit at least until you have 100% guarantee that you wont die from it. go back to the person that told you it was originally from AS and see what they say. how much juice were you on??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    College Station, Texas
    I call bullshit on this thread. How can a doctor conclude the blood clot was from AS? Even if you did have a blood clot from gear, its not so addictive that you would feel the need to have another fix, even if it might kill you.

  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    Ok.......first off I am not going to give you any advice on how to juice to avoid another clot. There are things you could do that would be valid (IG's suggestion for one) but that is NOT the advice you need. I think you need Mr. Nobody's advice more than anything. (I got it right this time MR. Nobody )

    Personally (and I apologize for jumping the gun here) but if you ask me there is something not right about this post. I would really doubt if you are speaking the truth.

    And guys PLEASE don't advise this guy on anything - please know that what he is asking for NOBODY here is qualified to give. NOBODY here knows your medical history and you are asking a question like that to a board of faceless members who do not know the first thing about you medically or personally?!!? Anyone that decides to give advice here medically is putting themselves at risk. And anyone here willing to give you medical advice would thus be proving themselves completely incapable and unqualified to give advice at all seeing as how any licensed physician would know better than to conduct medical advice of this nature via this board.

    go see a doctor - of some sort. And good luck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thornton, co
    The thread is legit because it was my little brother that was laying in the critical care unit back in May with a blood clot in his brain. I let him borrow my Name and Password to make a post on this site. Thanks for all your response's that is just what he needs to stay off the Stuff. It was not totally determined that it was AS that caused the clot but it is a likely suspect since after shooting 4cc of decca 3 hours later he got a tremendous headache. I use AS and I can see where he is comming from about the addiction and I think everyone here can agree with me. My brother is 24 and he has no business using AS, not to say that I do but in my profesion it is a necessity, he is graduating college next spring and is getting married in October. My brother has his whole life ahead of him and he can achieve that body he wants by proper diet and regular work-outs. It will take longer but the fact that he won't be in jeopardy of dieing is the greatest attribute. Some people just can't do AS and if you can't DON'T DO THEM. I know I need to set an example for my little brother but he is 24 and I am 31, we are both grown adults and we make our own decisions. Everyone out there be safe we are only human.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Whether valid or not . . .

    Originally posted by Mike
    Personally (and I apologize for jumping the gun here) but if you ask me there is something not right about this post. I would really doubt if you are speaking the truth.
    Funny, but the same thing occurred to me. You would think that if someone "almost died" from using AS, that would be enough to get the message across.

    But some of us have addressed Puroresu's original post on the assumption that it could be legit, as well as the probability that there are other guys out there that have gone through the same thing and find it just as difficult to stay off AS. (There's an old rule used by politicians - if one person writes a letter, his or her opinion actually represents the opinion of the many people that are too lazy to write. Likewise, for every person that posts a question on this board, there are likely many people who have the same question.) In the end run, we err on the side of safety and treat such inquiries as if they are legit.

    That's one more reason that Mike's answer is so solid: When someone is asking for advice on how to use AS when it's obvious that the effects could be downright detrimental, the best thing is to not give that kind of advice and steer them in the right direction, even if it means not advocating AS.

    I was glad to read Puroresu's second post before writing this. Remember, bro, he will always be your little brother (hell, I have two older brothers and I'll always be their "little brother" even though I could beat the crap out of them), but he is 24 years old. That makes him an adult - one who may not have the best sense of judgment, but one who ultimately has to take responsibility for his own health. I applaud you for helping to show him the way.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by CycloneHWT
    just lay off the juice if its from that bro, I'm no expert, but if you are aiming to get a better body, you probably want to live in it for a little while, just my 2 cc's

    I think I speak for most of the members of this board when I say that the ultimate goal is to leave a beautiful corpse and not wear it down by using ir or anything foolish like that.

    Words of wisdom brother.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Well put . . .

    Originally posted by Nathan
    I think I speak for most of the members of this board when I say that the ultimate goal is to leave a beautiful corpse and not wear it down by using ir or anything foolish like that.
    True, but when I die, I'd rather leave an ugly corpse at 80 years old than leave a beautiful corpse at 30 years old.

  15. #15
    Mike Guest
    TNT - you aren't seriously pretending you're under 30 still are you?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Moi?

    Originally posted by Mike
    TNT - you aren't seriously pretending you're under 30 still are you?
    Shhhhhhhh, man, you'll blow my fantasy identity . . . Pumped Up Boy Genius!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west

    Re: need expert or doctor advice

    Originally posted by puroresu
    i developed a blood clot in my brain a while back from using anabolic steroids.
    So you were in perfect health otherwise, had no other risk factors for a stoke, injected some deca and everything went to shit within a matter of 4 hours? There must be more involved than that. As long as you don't know what the other factors were that led to the stroke, taking AS is a bad risk.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree with the other guys, hey if your dead who is going to see you big? I would really reconsider your idea

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