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  1. #1
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!

    possible infection?

    Hey guys,

    My current cycle:

    Wk 1-12 Test E 500mg
    Wk 7-12 Winny 50mg

    I did my first injection (23g 1.5 pin, very sanitary as well) in my outer quad last friday. My quad swelled up and I could barely walk for 2 days. My next injection was a worse experience. I injected in my other quad, after a hot shower and massage I thought this one wouldn't be as bad. I woke up a little sore so I hit legs later that evening. I felt fine for the most part that night. The next morning my leg was extremely sore and my knee was swollen. I had to call into work it was so bad. It's been swollen for 2 days now, however the pain slowly going away. The injection site was never red or hot and I was never feverish.

    Does anyone think this was an infection? Or could it be that my gear is of bad quality? I'm highly considering stopping my cycle since I can't let this affect my job. I was considering just using the winny for the next 6 weeks. I appreciate the help guys!

  2. #2
    Lee250 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2012
    Dont stress bro i have been not able to walk for 5 days from injecting in my arse and a few days off me feed in my quad. Muscles will get use to it first few times per injection site is always going to hurt.

    I personally have Staphylex 500 on hand when i feel like i might have an infection or just worried i take one 3 times a day (just for the day) it was given to me when i swelled up the first glut injection. It is to treat infections in the body and directly is the most appropriate drug for this type of thing

    Walk into your doc and demand it and when he asks why say 'because i have an infection from an steroid injection'.. he will look at you puzzled, look up the drug and what it does then say...mmmmmk and give you a script. haha.. ive dont it before. Doctors HATE people diagnosing themselves but they have no clue most of the time.

    Hope that helps

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee250 View Post
    Dont stress bro i have been not able to walk for 5 days from injecting in my arse and a few days off me feed in my quad. Muscles will get use to it first few times per injection site is always going to hurt.

    I personally have Staphylex 500 on hand when i feel like i might have an infection or just worried i take one 3 times a day (just for the day) it was given to me when i swelled up the first glut injection. It is to treat infections in the body and directly is the most appropriate drug for this type of thing

    Walk into your doc and demand it and when he asks why say 'because i have an infection from an steroid injection'
    .. he will look at you puzzled, look up the drug and what it does then say...mmmmmk and give you a script. haha.. ive dont it before. Doctors HATE people diagnosing themselves but they have no clue most of the time.

    Hope that helps
    great idea, then its on your health record and your insurance can use it deny stuff in the future because it was "related" to your illegal drug use.

    Doesnt sound like its infected. Try injecting less at 1 time or cut it with some sterile oil
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Lee250 is offline New Member
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    haha well in Australia it cant be disclosed and is confidential also health care providers cannot access private information like that at all. hence why i was so forward. Maybe there is different rules where you are

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee250 View Post
    haha well in Australia it cant be disclosed and is confidential also health care providers cannot access private information like that at all. hence why i was so forward. Maybe there is different rules where you are

    Ignorance is bliss. You THINK it cant be disclosed. Well we sure seem to see a lot of medical records in the news that cant be disclosed. Do you really want to chance that? What is illegal for them to disclose today may not be tomorrow also. Laws change especially in health-care daily. How would you like to not get your dream job because your employer found something in your health records he didnt like? They cant check? really? are you sure? What if your dream job you have to have a security clearance, guess what? They check (Legally) EVERYTHING....

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    Instead of sterile oil, what about veterinary grade b-complex/b12? I haven't had the chance to check if it has BA in it through.

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