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Thread: from ph to test/deca

  1. #1

    from ph to test/deca

    Alright another clueless new guy....been running a ph cycle and have about 2weeks left. I want to start test/deca....should I finish my ph and pc? Or start t&d now? Going to start HIT training every other day as well...should I do cardio on my off days?
    6'3" 230lbs 15%bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    yes do your pct and take some time off cycle before starting anything else
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Depending in what you are running you might just want to stop and do pct now and get yourself ready for a real cycle sooner. A lot of the designer crap out there is just that... crap. You didn't mention what you were running. Personally knowing what I know from years of running different compounds, the only one I would have bothered with in hindsight would have been superdrol. Which isn't really a pro hormone but a genuine designer orally available steroid.

    My first cycle was test only (500mg/week of cidoteston). Don't know I'd recommend doing deca for a first cycle. Those nor19 compounds can be brutal to recover from and the sexual dysfunction some people experience can be difficult to deal with.

  4. #4
    Thanks, I been running epistane....2nd cycle in 90 days and I have to admit I have made some great gains and kept allot of it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by nastyN8
    Thanks, I been running epistane....2nd cycle in 90 days and I have to admit I have made some great gains and kept allot of it...
    K. I've never ran that. The best 'ph' I've ever ran was Legal Gears (now LG science) methyl masteron. That stuff was absolutely incredible. Bench went from 240 (sets not max) to 305 over the course of six weeks. Gained a solid 15lbs. Lost over half of it after coming off. I think these
    Compounds limit you in keepable gains by the quick nature of the gains. Easy come, easy go perhaps. Good luck.

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