Just running this through the forum again to make sure I have everything in order for my cycle
Have run test e deca and dbol in the past currently cutting to get to required body fat, been to the nutrition section and my diet is in check, lifting consist of 3 sets 10-12 reps 10-12 reps 6-8reps sometimes throw in drop sets to really burn the muscle anyways the cycle .
Weeks 1-4 dbol 30-40mg
40mg/dayCheck and use liver support Check, THats a given. lol
Weeks 1-12 500mg sus pin mon/thurs
sust is fine but i would be use test e to start.
Why would you use test e?
Weeks 1-10 500mg deca pin mon/thurs
Weeks 9-12 30-40 mg winny tabs
40mg/day Check
Hcg 250 iu mon/thurs till pct
perfect Start with first jab or a couple weeks in??
Liquidex week1-12
change this to Aromisin (stane) 12.5mg eod and monitor. possibly increase to 25mg eod
Pct nolva 40/40/40/20/20/
20 drop two wks off the endCheck
Clomid 50/50/30/30
looks okLooks ok? any changes?
I'm 24 173cms and 94kgs currently cutting some bf before cycle I just wanna make sure I'm all prepped beforehand