Last edited by Chevy; 03-03-2012 at 08:08 PM. Reason: accidently posted lab name
Hey man welcome to the forums, but you have to edit your post to take out the lab name. Its against the rules, give the rules a quick read.
sorry my bad, i took it out
can u pm their url?
Its fake btw
like for sure? how do you know
PM me when you can and I'll tell you
well how do i do that? it wont even let me click on your profile?
you need 50 posts before you can pm. Now just because I said that don't go all post whoreish all over the place.
lmao! k why cant u tell me why these are you just not know and wana look stupid?
Pretty sure that is not legit.
thanks, razr. is there anyway to tell though?
Caps without powder on outside?
I know crackheads that bag up with more skill than that
Fake, bin them
Apologise to scotts, you insulted him for no reason, he was trying to help you
what do u mean caps without powder on the outside? there is powder on the outside thats one reason why i think there fake...
I ment caps with powder residue on outside,that is clearly unprofessional,shit I'm drunk every time I cap and i do it perfect it ain't difficult,that looks like a small child capped it,
Stop making new threads with same question
lol ill make a thousand threads with the same question on it if I feel like you run this site? didnt think so. stop wasting my time son
No I don't but are you trying to make yourself feel better because you got scammed?and with that hahahahaOriginally Posted by Chevy
Sheltered life and no savvy yeah best of luck with your asprin I'm out
Last edited by DanB; 03-03-2012 at 11:09 PM.
lol i got scammed? how did i get scammed when the money i spent on them is already back in my hands? your a loser get a life bud
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