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  1. #1
    rock1849 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011

    2nd cycle advice. Testex/deca/cycle

    Hi fellas, I would really appreciate some guidance and advice on my second cycle. I've done a fair bit of research both journal based and google etc and I've come to understand the basics but I lack in depth knowledge. I've had loads of suggestions as well from other AAS users and I prob would have done some serious damage if I listened to them. One of my mates suggested a 6month cycle of growth with varied cycles of test & Deca and other compounds, which i obviously didn't do. He prob didn't like me much for some reason??

    198 lbs 13%bf 5'9
    Training history is 8 years
    Current diet:
    Carb cycling 4days low carbs 70g/2 day moderate 150g/1 day load
    Protein intake is 250g per day.

    1st cycle was sust at 500mg and Deca 250mg for 10 weeks. I didn't have any sides apart from mild acne on my shoulders. I used clomid and hcg for pct and didn't seem to have any libido issues after my cycle or throughout.

    I've been off for 4 months and now looking to do my second cycle. I'm looking to drop bf to sub 8% whilst maintaining size or possibly increasing it whilst on my second cycle. I'm not concerned about gaining bulk as I will do a bulk cycle of test and Deca both at 500mg towards the end of this year.

    I'm considering doing:
    Testex at 500mg
    Deca at 250mg
    Win at 50mg

    I'm not 100% confident about the dosages or the sensible amount of time to stay on each compound. The reason for the cycle is to add an oral to the mix. I'm aware of the sides of win (joints, liver damage etc) which is why I considered running the Deca at a low dose of 250mg to offset joint problems and to also have liv 52 tabs whilst on cycle for liv protection.

    Sorry for the long post but I thought it would be best to put all my info in. After reading trough endless threads, most people aren't taken seriously if they don't so...

  2. #2
    Neo76 is offline New Member
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    Las Vegas
    Let me just start off by saying I'm no expert at all, I'm going to start my second cycle in about a month and was thinking about Deca also. Did u see good gains from it in your first? I ran 500mg/ week of cyp and 200mg/week of primo. I think I made a mistake with the primo. Did not see any gains at all. Everyone told me my dose was way low, and they were right. Anyway, I think u might want to up your test to 600-700 and maybe up the Deca. This is just my .02 but this is what some seasoned pros have told me. As for the win goes, I keep hearing mixed things. Keep posted in what u going to do.

  3. #3
    rock1849 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    From my understanding most advise that a first cycle consists of test only, so that your able to see how your body will respond to one compound before adding in a second. So maybe adding the primo wasn't spot on but then again I ran Deca at 250mg rather than 500mg so that I wouldn't give me body too many compounds each at a high mg dose. What was your diet like while on cycle?
    I gained 15 kilos from my first cycle 85kg-100kg but not all of it was good weight as I wanted to experiment with my diet to see how important a clean diet it whilst on cycle (I learned it's extremely important)

  4. #4
    rock1849 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    What have you heard about win?

  5. #5
    PARABOLAN is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2005
    winny could help u towards th end of your cycle to get hardened, u should take liver protection though.

  6. #6
    rock1849 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    I am considering running it for the last 6 weeks of my cycle. I've already got liv 52 and milk thistle. Someone suggested doing win for 12 weeks but from what I know that would've quite toxic for the liver and also increasing the chances of having joint problems

  7. #7
    rock1849 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Has anyone had any experience running this cycle?

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