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  1. #1
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Third cycle. Propionate. Advice please.

    Age: 43
    Height: 6Ž4"
    Weight: 237lbs
    BF:15%+ (Will be back below 15 before cycle)
    History: 2 cycles, (Nebido/Gel/Winny) (Cyp/Dbol )
    1 year since last cycle.
    Been on/off HGH for past 2 years. Back on this week 3iu ED.
    Done 4-5iu before, but IGF-1 off the charts. Shooting for IGF-1 in upper 3/4 of the range.

    8 weeks of,
    EOD: 100mg Test. Propionate /.25mg Arimidex /250iu HCG .
    (Done Aromasin before, but not Adex.)

    PCT: 4 weeks Clomid (50/50/25/25), Nolva (20mg ED)
    (Done Toremifene before, never Clomid.)

    Pinning: Alternate Glutes, Quads, Delts.
    1.5" Glutes, 1" Quads/Delts. All 25 g if I can find.

    Training: 6 days/week. One bodypart per day.

    Diet: Eat like a Mofo.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    OK...Good Luck and have fun. If you want to start a log you can post it in Members Cycle Results.

  3. #3
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    And what advice are you looking for exactly?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I would up your PCT a little. Clomid 100/50/50/50, Nolva 40/20/20/20

  5. #5
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    OK....First time Clomid user. Just heard of those dreaded Clomid sides.
    I read the stickies in the PCT section, and found some info on low dose SERM working well.
    What exactly does the double Clomid/Nolva dose do for me in the first week?
    I assume the idea is to "shock" the Hyp/Pit back in action? Is there such a thing?

    So the 100 Prop EOD is pretty standard right? Any personal experience?
    And IŽm adding the Adex just because.
    Swifto had an AI thread here a while back that kinda made sense, ie to always use an AI.

  6. #6
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    The idea with the SERMs is to simply introduce enough of those compounds to simulate test production, and then tapering down the dose so that the body will produce more and more of its own LH and FSH in the process until things are back to normal. HCG works in a very similar fashion, which I'm sure you are fully aware of. Sure, shocking is one way of looking at it. 100mg prop eod is very standard. I personally prefer 50mg every day, and can in fact tell the difference. Injecting every day serves to make me feel much more balanced and "anabolic ". It will also lessen estrogen elevation to some degree. Taking the adex is a very good idea, and 0.25mg every 3 days will probably suffice with this cycle. Don't inject the HCG eod day though, as that is how you wrote it up. Inject it twice per week, something along the lines of 250iu Monday morning and Thursday evening.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    OK....First time Clomid user. Just heard of those dreaded Clomid sides.
    I read the stickies in the PCT section, and found some info on low dose SERM working well.
    What exactly does the double Clomid/Nolva dose do for me in the first week?
    I assume the idea is to "shock" the Hyp/Pit back in action? Is there such a thing?

    So the 100 Prop EOD is pretty standard right? Any personal experience?
    And IŽm adding the Adex just because.
    Swifto had an AI thread here a while back that kinda made sense, ie to always use an AI.
    Have you looked into using tamox/tore for pct instead of tamox/clomid? The sides of clomid always kept me away and I've always seen good results with tore.

  8. #8
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    The idea with the SERMs is to simply introduce enough of those compounds to simulate test production, and then tapering down the dose so that the body will produce more and more of its own LH and FSH in the process until things are back to normal. HCG works in a very similar fashion, which I'm sure you are fully aware of. Sure, shocking is one way of looking at it. 100mg prop eod is very standard. I personally prefer 50mg every day, and can in fact tell the difference. Injecting every day serves to make me feel much more balanced and "anabolic". It will also lessen estrogen elevation to some degree. Taking the adex is a very good idea, and 0.25mg every 3 days will probably suffice with this cycle. Don't inject the HCG eod day though, as that is how you wrote it up. Inject it twice per week, something along the lines of 250iu Monday morning and Thursday evening.
    U mean stimulate, right?
    And it differs from HCG by stimulating the Pituitary instead of the Leydigs....right?
    Does it directly stimulate the Pituitary?
    The idea of all EOD was just to keep it simple
    But you are right, IŽll change the HCG to 2/week.
    Can you reinforce your suggestion on Adex E3D? Is the half life not too short? Works for you?
    DonŽt really mind the pinning. Actually give me a little "high", but 56 pins....damn.
    Anyone else with experience with Prop ED/EOD?
    Brian, IŽve seen your other posts. You seem knowledgable and I appreciate your input. YouŽll be "red" soon

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Have you looked into using tamox/tore for pct instead of tamox/clomid? The sides of clomid always kept me away and I've always seen good results with tore.
    Yes, per Swifto I did Tore/Tamox before. Actually on Tore right now. Just to boost my test a little....long story. It doubled my test in 1 month from 9 to 18 (8-35) As you see I have low test (Secondary), and maybe Clomid with some magic sprinkles will do something to that ridiculous gland I have in my scull.

  9. #9
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Yes, I definitely meant to type stimulate

    I say similar because they all stimulate natural testosterone production in some way. The reason I recommend such a low dose of arimidex is because you're only injecting 350mg of prop per week. This is a low dose of an ester that has far less aromatizing than longer esters such as enanthate or cypionate . It would be fairly easy to crash your estrogen levels with this dose/ester. Of course HCG does affect aromatization and you may decide to increase your arimidex dose slightly - but make sure that it is very slight. If you don't feel comfortable with that many injections, I completely understand and the difference between 50mg prop ed and 100mg prop eod is not going to be significant, nor should it affect your gains enough to even notice. I'm a perfectionist and don't mind pinning every day myself, so I prefer to take advantage of the benefits, be them small, of injecting every day. And thanks for the props

  10. #10
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Do I / Can I do some kind of "Frontloading".
    Like 100mg ED for the first 4 days? Or will that just cause a rollercoaster?
    BC I got 3000mg. right, 8 weeks, IŽll have 200mg left over.....canŽt have anything leftover

  11. #11
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Do I / Can I do some kind of "Frontloading".
    Like 100mg ED for the first 4 days? Or will that just cause a rollercoaster?
    BC I got 3000mg. right, 8 weeks, IŽll have 200mg left over.....canŽt have anything leftover
    Actually I would recommend it. I always begin a cycle with much higher doses of test or something like Anadrol .

  12. #12
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Do I / Can I do some kind of "Frontloading".
    Like 100mg ED for the first 4 days? Or will that just cause a rollercoaster?
    BC I got 3000mg. right, 8 weeks, IŽll have 200mg left over.....canŽt have anything leftover
    Actually I would recommend it. I always begin a cycle with much higher doses of test or something like Anadrol .

  13. #13
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Actually I would recommend it. I always begin a cycle with much higher doses of test or something like Anadrol. Maybe IŽll get my sexlife back too!
    I have some Dbol here, but I wanna do just 1 compound this time.
    Getting the gear tomorrow.
    IŽll start in about 30-60 days.

  14. #14
    JP-MAN is offline Banned
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    i wouldnt frontload the prop, no need to.

    but i would bumb ur dose, try 150mg eod... just my thought but ur gains will be much greater.

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