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  1. #1
    Braves90488 is offline New Member
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    Swollen/Sore Glute, Test E

    This is my first cycle of test E. I started my week 5 shot on fri, it is now monday and my glute all the way around to my hip is swollen and sore. Checked my temp yesterday and it was a little high 99.4 so im not sure if that was due to the current situation or not. Doesnt feel like i have a fever right now. What do i do? The whole time ive been on i have gotten sore from my shots, some worse then the other but never swollen like this. A little worried now with my next shot suppose to be tonight. Is it infected? Do i need antiboitcs? Where do i get them from? friend who also uses said he has topical anti inflamatory ointment, zithromax, and penicillin i could use.. Suggestions people! please!

  2. #2
    Braves90488 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all your help guys *sarcasm*

  3. #3
    latinbb08 is offline New Member
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    this just happened to me too

    Im on my second cycle right now and this exact same thing happened to me like in the 3rd week. My but was swollen for about a week and it felt hard to the touch, thinking that it was an abscess i went to the doctor and told me to get a ultrasound and then told me to take antibiotics, the thing was gone after a week. For the next time you inject yourself i would recommend doing it in the thigh or in the shoulder. It hurts most of the time the day after the injection but if you massage the area real hard after doing it the pain will be minimum the next day.

  4. #4
    maxmuscle1090 is offline Junior Member
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    test enathate really shouldnt be causing that much sorrness usually a sign that your gear mite have high BA...if it doesnt get beter just go to the docs bro

  5. #5
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    If you're sure that 1) your gear's sterile, 2) your vial is sterile, 3) your pin is sterile, and 4) your injection site is sterile, then it's the Test flu. Sometimes my injection sites get red & swollen too. I just make sure all my gear and equipment's sterile so I'm not getting an infection. Hang in there, you should be good to go.

  6. #6
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    don't wait, go to a doctor. It sounds like cellulitis, an infection of the subcutaneous fat between the skin and the muscle. This infection spreads fast. Worst case scenario you go septic. This is incredibly life threatening. More likely you go on antibiotics, and you won't need your butt drained. If it is infected and you leave it to long it will form an abscess, which will require surgical excision. This could leave your hard gained glute disfigured by scar tissue. Don't make guesses, if you're running a temp, you have an infection. I bet your skin is red, hot to the touch, and feels incredibly tight, right?

  7. #7
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Also, you don't need to tell the doc you're on gear, just say you had a small pimple a couple of days ago on your ass. I don't want to say in what capacity for privacy reasons, but i work in health care, and not as a cleaner!!! Go get it looked at today!

  8. #8
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    When shooting gear in the future, always use unopened needles and syringes. alcoswab the rubber stopper of your gear for 30 seconds. strike with the needle, inject your air, pull up your gear. CHANGE your needle if you can, this allows a sharper edge for a cleaner entry to the skin, less likely to let bacteria in. alcoswab your injection site, starting from the middle and working out in a circular motion, do not go back in as this can drag bacteria back towards the injection site. Inject, and clean with alcoswabs again, hold pressure to control bleeding. I'm sorry if you already now this, but an infection is a big deal, and you'll loose all your gains and then some when you can't train.

  9. #9
    Blergs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braves90488 View Post
    This is my first cycle of test E. I started my week 5 shot on fri, it is now monday and my glute all the way around to my hip is swollen and sore. Checked my temp yesterday and it was a little high 99.4 so im not sure if that was due to the current situation or not. Doesnt feel like i have a fever right now. What do i do? The whole time ive been on i have gotten sore from my shots, some worse then the other but never swollen like this. A little worried now with my next shot suppose to be tonight. Is it infected? Do i need antiboitcs? Where do i get them from? friend who also uses said he has topical anti inflamatory ointment, zithromax, and penicillin i could use.. Suggestions people! please!
    if you have an infection DONT be stupid and use creams and other bullshit, GO TO ER!
    if oyur lucky they will just give you anti-biotices, if not they will cut your glute open and drain the puss/infection and also give you antibiotics.

    If your shots are sore more than a few days you need to ditch the gear its not sterile OR your having an allergic reaction.
    it being swollen, higher temp.
    how long has it been after each shot that it still hurts?
    are you pinnign the same spot over and over? if so make sure you give each spot 2 weeks before using the same muscle again, it takes time to absorb the oil. and daly or weekly shots can build up a steril absess that can go septic. and if your shots are getting worse this is a sign of what I just stated.
    good luck man

  10. #10
    Blergs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinbb08 View Post
    Im on my second cycle right now and this exact same thing happened to me like in the 3rd week. My but was swollen for about a week and it felt hard to the touch, thinking that it was an abscess i went to the doctor and told me to get a ultrasound and then told me to take antibiotics, the thing was gone after a week. For the next time you inject yourself i would recommend doing it in the thigh or in the shoulder. It hurts most of the time the day after the injection but if you massage the area real hard after doing it the pain will be minimum the next day.
    DONT do this, this is NOT good and WONT help, it will make it worse.
    all your doing is putting pressure on oil that is in a pocket and causing MORE scaring and dammage.

  11. #11
    Blergs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    Also, you don't need to tell the doc you're on gear, just say you had a small pimple a couple of days ago on your ass. I don't want to say in what capacity for privacy reasons, but i work in health care, and not as a cleaner!!! Go get it looked at today!
    agreed NEVER EVERY| say your using off script steroid use . you will screw your self over for insurance life and med. and no its not private, they make you sign over rights to look at med records and if you dont let them then denied anyway.

    tell them you took a b12 shot that you think you messed up.

  12. #12
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
    Chuckdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    One thing everyone failed to ask is if you are rotating inj sites? Injecting into the same spot each time will cause each subsequent inj to become more sore than the last. If your first injection wasn't god awful sore then you would rule out too much BA...if the swollen spot isn't really, really warm to a cold touch and isn't bright red, you can rule out an infection. I've had injection problems with good gear and bad gear. It's the risk ya gotta take sometimes but follow bigshotvictorias injection advice and rotate as many injection sites as you possibly I just started a cycle and when I got the gear I put 2.5ml of test enth and test prop in my right glute and It swelled up to a literal tennis ball lol. Its because there Is a lot of BA in my gear and my muscles are sensitive to it. Its not dangerous or really painful, just annoying as hell! lol

  13. #13
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuckdiesel
    One thing everyone failed to ask is if you are rotating inj sites? Injecting into the same spot each time will cause each subsequent inj to become more sore than the last. If your first injection wasn't god awful sore then you would rule out too much BA...if the swollen spot isn't really, really warm to a cold touch and isn't bright red, you can rule out an infection. I've had injection problems with good gear and bad gear. It's the risk ya gotta take sometimes but follow bigshotvictorias injection advice and rotate as many injection sites as you possibly I just started a cycle and when I got the gear I put 2.5ml of test enth and test prop in my right glute and It swelled up to a literal tennis ball lol. Its because there Is a lot of BA in my gear and my muscles are sensitive to it. Its not dangerous or really painful, just annoying as hell! lol
    i agree chuck. i was smh wonderig how evryone agreed n said it was this or that, but nvr askd about injection site rptation? first thing that popped into my mind.

  14. #14
    Mickthemick's Avatar
    Mickthemick is offline Junior Member
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    this just happend to me
    first cycle test and deca
    Left butt tue
    Right butt fri
    Left butt tue
    Wed spoke to my buddy doing the same gear and told him there was a big lump in left but and small one in right
    He says dont worry it goes away
    By sat my whole left but cheek over to my hip is swollen red and itchy
    right one a little bit
    I go to doc and say i sat on some jagged metal
    She says its infected and gives me antibiotics
    i am pretty sure im beating the infection scary lookin though,,spread fast
    I used the same needle twice ( i now know thats a duh move)
    My buddy has been using this gear for 3 or 4 cycles so i dont think its the gear
    I am worried that i might have infected the gear by using the needle twice
    Is it lost
    Should i just chuck it and quit or try it again
    As im sure u figured out i need some good advice
    I am 40
    175 lbs
    5ft 9
    Help arrhhhhhhh

    my advice to braves is get to doc and lie
    no one looks good dead

  15. #15
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    Sometimes some people cant handle injecting two much into the same place as 2ml is around about the max you can do what i normally do is inject then walk around do a few weights or stay active for at least a couple of hours NOW because of this simple thing my prop pain no longer last a couple or few days its around 8-9 hours and then the next day nothing and this is prop the first injection i didnt do this and it hurt like fck for days so its worth thinking about other then that make sure you push the needle right in not ha;f way as that can cuase the swelling your talking about best of luck m8 hope this helps!

  16. #16
    binsser's Avatar
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    oh if 2 x injections do half in one place and half in another not all in the same place this could also help!

  17. #17
    Mickthemick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    oh if 2 x injections do half in one place and half in another not all in the same place this could also help!
    Good advice
    But i def got an infection wich im sure is from usin the same pin twice
    On antibiotics for 3 dayz now and its not spreading but not going away either
    Might have to go back to doc and get introvenusly ( i cant spell doh )
    But does this meen my gear has now been infected
    Its hard to chuck 160$ worth of gear????

  18. #18
    kamilo1975's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickthemick View Post
    Good advice
    But i def got an infection wich im sure is from usin the same pin twice
    On antibiotics for 3 dayz now and its not spreading but not going away either
    Might have to go back to doc and get introvenusly ( i cant spell doh )
    But does this meen my gear has now been infected
    Its hard to chuck 160$ worth of gear????
    did you draw gear after you injected your self the first time?

  19. #19
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    You used the same pin twice? You mean two separate injections with the same pin? Or you used the same pin to draw and inject?

  20. #20
    Mickthemick's Avatar
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    I used the same pin to draw and inject twice
    Got very bad advice from someone
    Like I said this was my first time pinning and I never knew about forums like this
    So I'm guessing my gear should be chucked ( which f in suks ) but better than another infection I guess
    Thanks for the feedback guys :-)

  21. #21
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    dont throw the gear, read up on how to sterlise it.
    its just a pot with some water in it and heat it up to a certain temp and it steralises it.

    dude are you sure its an infection?
    The gear i have this time round, injections from this stuff kill me, redness spreads all around and its super painful, but i dont get a fever and it subsides after a week.
    Didnt hurt as much next time i injected in the same spot.
    But i definitely had redness that spread and my muscle felt hard.

  22. #22
    Mickthemick's Avatar
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    Im sure // so is my doctor

    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    dont throw the gear, read up on how to sterlise it.
    its just a pot with some water in it and heat it up to a certain temp and it steralises it.

    dude are you sure its an infection?
    The gear i have this time round, injections from this stuff kill me, redness spreads all around and its super painful, but i dont get a fever and it subsides after a week.
    Didnt hurt as much next time i injected in the same spot.
    But i definitely had redness that spread and my muscle felt hard.
    Thats good to know about the gear
    I will look it up
    But yeah is bef infection
    My whole ass cheek was bright red swollon itchy
    Hard and f in ugly
    Today though i think the antibiotics r startin to beat it
    Woooohooo !!!!!!!!!!

  23. #23
    IhaveTeenyBallz is offline New Member
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    If you have an antibiotic, take it... otherwise take very hot baths to raise your own core temp. You'll probably be fine, I had abcesses and they went away.

  24. #24
    Mickthemick's Avatar
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    Im sure // so is my doctor

    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    dont throw the gear, read up on how to sterlise it.
    its just a pot with some water in it and heat it up to a certain temp and it steralises it.

    dude are you sure its an infection?
    The gear i have this time round, injections from this stuff kill me, redness spreads all around and its super painful, but i dont get a fever and it subsides after a week.
    Didnt hurt as much next time i injected in the same spot.
    But i definitely had redness that spread and my muscle felt hard.
    Thats good to know about the gear
    I will look it up
    But yeah is bef infection
    My whole ass cheek was bright red swollon itchy
    Hard and f in ugly
    Today though i think the antibiotics r startin to beat it
    Woooohooo !!!!!!!!!!

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