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Thread: Hello!I need some help. . .

  1. #1

    Hello!I need some help. . .


    I`m writing from Eu.

    This is my first cycle that i want to take now.My height is 1.85cm and 86 kg.I`m low on fat.

    I bought Testoplex 300(testosteron propionate 30mg,
    testosterone phenylpopionate 60mg,
    testosterone isocaproate 60mg,
    testosterone decanoate 100mg,
    testosterone cypionate 50mg)
    And Trenabol 200 google it

    The guy who sold them to me sayd to take 1ml/week testoplex 300 and 1.5 ml trenabol/week.

    And the period should be 10 weeks.
    I need one example of cycle and one example of Pct.
    What is your opinion?who has done this?
    What is your advice?
    How should i do the after cycle because i have no ideea what should I take after

    Thank you for your advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Don't take any tren on your first cycle. Or second...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Just do test

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    def do not use the tren.
    there is a section on here about pct. Start reading. look up nolva and clomid
    you should also use an ai on cycle like a-dex or aromasin
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    What`s the problem with tren?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    With this being your first cycle you want to see how your body will react to using gear. Using multiple compounds will make it much more difficult to determine what is causing what side. Plus tren is way to much for an inexperienced user.

  7. #7
    it`s ok 1ml/week of testoplex?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Madalin View Post
    it`s ok 1ml/week of testoplex?
    u still need pct and an ai
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You might want to split that up between two shots every week. I would.

  10. #10
    yes, u should split in two shots per week, there are some short eters there.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    stats? I see you are 24 yrs old. Height. Weight. Training experience. No tren!!

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