I`m writing from Eu.
This is my first cycle that i want to take now.My height is 1.85cm and 86 kg.I`m low on fat.
I bought Testoplex 300(testosteron propionate 30mg,
testosterone phenylpopionate 60mg,
testosterone isocaproate 60mg,
testosterone decanoate 100mg,
testosterone cypionate 50mg)
And Trenabol 200 google it
The guy who sold them to me sayd to take 1ml/week testoplex 300 and 1.5 ml trenabol/week.
And the period should be 10 weeks.
I need one example of cycle and one example of Pct.
What is your opinion?who has done this?
What is your advice?
How should i do the after cycle because i have no ideea what should I take after
Thank you for your advice.