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  1. #1
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    What orals are usually stocked in US pharmacies?

    OK, I have something everyone wants...a doctor friend who will write me a script for anything I ask for. Usually I just get vicodin or sleep meds. I've never asked for testosterone and probably never will, but I gave him a list of drugs last week and just wrote down 10mg anavar (generic) for the hell of it, and he wrote it for me, with 3 refills. Didn't even ask what it was for.

    I took it to the pharmacy and they didn't have it in stock, said they'd have to order it, and it turns out it was $400. A bit much for me at the moment; I'll pick it up some other time. I know it's cheaper on the black market but at least this way I'll know it's real.

    But, if I want this guy to write more scripts for me, is there any oral steroid that's more easily found stocked at pharmacies? If people keep having to make special orders, that might generate some phone calls as to why a psychiatrist is prescribing anabolic steroids to women with no health issues.

  2. #2
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    I can't help you but I hope you live near me and we can become friends...

  3. #3
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    Bwa ha haaa, everyone wanna be friends with me cuz I got all the sweet hookups.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Things like that can bite you in the ash.I wouldnt mess around.But thats me

  5. #5
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    Well how is this any more trouble than buying it from some guy at the gym, or online like I usually do? It's all just as illegal. And him writing me a script for anavar is just as illegal as the other controlled substances I get.

  6. #6
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    sounds cool. but imo, this guy cod lose his job over unethical principles, better to be safe than sorry you are right. but if its cheaper to buy online id stick to that. just so ur not caught in the riff raft. 400$ for var, wat dosage were they?

  7. #7
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    For 30 tabs, 10mg. I know online is cheaper but I have no way to check authenticity. Can't go by just a pic; what if the product doesn't match the pic when I get it? I've already used a few hundred $$ of questionable gear in the last few months.

    I'm not the only person he does this for...probably the only one who asked for steroids though. I could ask for some generic winny; less expensive but again, don't know if the pharmacy has it.

  8. #8
    X2006ibmgto is offline Junior Member
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    So thats enough var for 6 days at 50 mg

  9. #9
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    fuuuck anavar is overated/ and so expensive. Thats like the price on the blackmarket here is AUS. Better off geting some masteron /primobolan .

  10. #10
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    lol thas y i asked. 400 bucks for a cpl days lol thas a rip off for sure. u can always get ur post count up and stay arnd for a while and pm a source check.
    i paid 200 for 50 days. at 25 mgs. but var works, and is in demand thas why they can charge higher prices.
    Last edited by jpowell; 03-07-2012 at 08:51 PM.

  11. #11
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    I was counting on using only 10mg a day for a cutting cycle; isn't that enough for a female who competes lightweight?

  12. #12
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    why not use something better? Primobolan , winstrol . clen and t3?

  13. #13
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    females are posed to stay at low doses, but idk how low?. at 30 days, for 400 that wod still b a rip off. bus thas not long enough for a cycle. u wod want to run arnd 40-50 days 6-7-8 wks. although have saw different shorter lengths. and i just saw this was generic i wonder what the price is on some legit var in the pharmacy

  14. #14
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    I have plenty of clen . I have used t3 and didn't like it. I doubt I'll be able to find authentic primo (one of the drugs I just got done using was supposedly primo but I doubt it was real after seeing pics) and winstrol , I might be able to hit the doctor up for that.

    I've been doing test cyp and deca for a few weeks now; good results. I also ordered some finaplex tabs and a kit to make tren .

    But as far as what I can find in a pharmacy, I don't know if winstrol will be any more available than anavar .

  15. #15
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    winny is pretty cheap in the street. at least where I'm at.

  16. #16
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    yeh not hard to find winny either. What about get some masteron or Proviron

  17. #17
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    wat are your goal of the cycle? as this will be the first woman post I've ever commented on. ill try to help. how come you didn't go to the female section?

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