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  1. #1
    KONY's Avatar
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    Need help designing Intermediate Bulking cycle

    Background information been lifting for 10 years but have been really serious past 3 years
    5'8 175lbs looking to get to a lean 200
    Ran cycles of dbol along with test e before and a test prop cycle

    so basically im looking to add dry mass got way too bloated from previous cycles even with adex
    cant get hands on HCG atm so anything that wont shut me down too hard is great a basic clomid nolva pct is what i am aiming for

    a mate of mine is telling me to run Deca , Test E, and Tbol
    but i was thinking making Test E, Tren E, and something else

    any opinions on dosing? rather not be pinning EOD or ED for the matter prefer 2x weekly glute injections

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    you said you didnt want to be shut down hard but you mentioned 19nors in both your proposed cycles which shut you down harder than anything else

    deca will generally give wet gains and you already stated you struggle with bloat so thats out

    tren at your stats? not a good idea, unnecessary to use something so harsh at this stage i.m.o

    personally I would run 8 week prop/var cycle mabey 75mg prop ed with 100mg var , a great lean bulk cycle i.m.o

    you wont put on 25lbs but i dont think any conventional cycle will give you 25lbs of lbm unless your a genetic freak

    your diet determines gains, you know this yes? i would aim for 3500 clean cals if i was you, with min of 250g protein per day

    if you dont already have this then i suggest you also go to the nutrition section and ask their advise on how to improve your diet before you start the cycle to maximise gains

    you said you dont want to pin ed but prop is know to cause least amount of water retention hence why i suggested it and can be pinned eod if necessary

  3. #3
    KONY's Avatar
    KONY is offline Junior Member
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    i see thanks for the input what do you think then about a
    10 weeks Test Prop 100mg EOD
    8 weeks Tren A 100mg EOD
    Last 4 weeks Var 100mg ED

    how does that sound?

  4. #4
    DanB is offline Banned
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    again tren is very harsh and with your stats its overkill i.m.o

    why not run the var for longer, i think it is more suitable and life will be alot more bearable, trust me on that

    what is your current bodyfat?

  5. #5
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    or if cost of var is an issue than tbol first 4 weeks and var final 6 weeks?

    or play around with lenghts a little if you like but that general idea?

  6. #6
    KONY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    or if cost of var is an issue than tbol first 4 weeks and var final 6 weeks?

    or play around with lenghts a little if you like but that general idea?
    what would the dosing be on tbol? sounds good though and i think bodyfat is around 15% im still on a cut wont be running this till May or June

    reason i want to go with Tren is cause i ran a Prop only cycle and the gains werent that impressive imo too much bloat

    thanks for the input though

  7. #7
    DanB is offline Banned
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    i have ran tbol at 60mg and at 80mg and didnt notice much difference for the extra 20mg so 60mg would be my advise to you

    your gains are determined by your diet mate, you can take tren if you want but without sufficient nutrients the gains from that wont be impressive either

    see what im getting at about the diet? if you want to be 200lbs well then you need to eat like somebody who is 200lbs seems simple dosnt it? well it actually is that simple, get that sorted then you WILL be impressed by your cycle, I can think of 1 vet here off top of my head that said he gained approx 15lbs from 250mg test week cycle, 15lbs thats massive gain for a cycle so simple, part of the reason is that his diet allowed him to make these gains

  8. #8
    KONY's Avatar
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    thanks brah will be looking to make a complete diet plan as well before i start my cycle
    reason why im looking into cycle first is because it takes a month to obtain the gear for me lol

  9. #9
    DanB is offline Banned
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    yeah of course your right to plan ahead and get everything sorted well in advance

    hows the cutting going?

    the guys here are good at cutting diets aswell

    i sound like im selling advise or something for them dont i haha take free advise if you can get it and make life as easy as possible mate

    i tried cut before, killed myself doing cardio, didnt realise few beers few nights the week would fvck me up so badly, it did haha i killed myself for months didnt lose anything, dropped the beer and fat fell off

    point being that sometimes little tweaks you may not even think of can sometimes make a world of difference
    Last edited by DanB; 03-07-2012 at 10:50 PM.

  10. #10
    KONY's Avatar
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    almost done within a month thanks for the advice brah
    hope some other members can post opinions ITT

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