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Thread: Advice please

  1. #1

    Advice please

    Hello All,
    A little about me-29 yr old WM,5'10 200, body fat % is 20-22 (I think)....My systems is feeling tired,run down all the matter how much sleep I get(6,8,12+) I always wake up feeling exausted,no energy to work out or play sports.....3 years ago I weighed 276 and slowly but surely have gotten down to around 200....At 276 tho,I felt great,lots of energy,played sports(golf,basket-softball)and slept 4-8 hr and poped up every morning b4 6....I have had blood work performed 3 times in the last 6 mo and the results showed 401(on a scale a 360-900)...the second time it showed doc sent me to a Endo and it showed 400(on a scale of 250-990)....Does anyone know why the scale is different...also any advice here,the docs keep saying this is normal and just get more exercise...Im not looking to get ripped,but I would think if the scale is 250-990 then I would have to feel better at 7-800 than 400...Any advice would be great....except stop being naturally lazy(I can get that from my wife

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Have you ever ran a cycle before? or messed with orals or pro h

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Im not a endo and i dont know what it sould be at for a guy in his late 20s so i cant say if your test levels are ok or not. Iv had blood work done even before i touched gear and my test was low. You should get thyroid levles check next time to...

  4. #4
    No never tried b4..I had my thyroid checked a little over a year ago,but I think I should lokk into it again...just found out my Mom and Sister has Hypothyroidism.....My opinion is that my test levels should be in the higher range,but hey Im a Carpenter not a Doctor

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Ur test levels are fine ur test levels will always fluctuate day to day hour to hour or even minute to minute. I had the same problem over the winter. I lifted 5-6 times a week and was still active but felt overall pretty bad, unmotivated and tired. I started doing lots of
    Cardio and eating more fruit and it all changed.

    U may be suffering from depression. I would also look out for other signs and maybe ask a doct if u feel that u are

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Austin TX
    My test levels were 180 and I'm 27. Turns out I have a growth on my pituitary gland. I'm currently waiting results of a bone density scan. Keep on the doctors and it usually takes a lot of blood work and blood tests, including adrenal function tests and several months of monitoring. Right now I get Test E shots every 2 weeks but they seem to run their course about 10 days in. Msg me if you have any questions about what I've been going through and want to compare. I was tired all the time and 2nd week I start getting like that again. So you sound a lot like the way I was.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sound like your depressed. No offense

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