Ok so im gonna try and keep this as short as possible but i want to explain all details because i need answers/fast. On fri i started my second vial of test e, both vials were abnormally cloudy but went ahead with the cycle anyway. With the first vial i had continuos pain thru the weeks but never really anything to keep me out of gym and work. I basically just wrote it off to the vial being cloudy and out of suspension. So fri, like i said i started my second vial, by sunday my LEFT glute was swollen all the way around to my hip and very painful to touch. Ran a fever off and on but nothing to high and no red spots. Mon was my next inj. I had just recieved my third vial, which i may add the oil was very clear not cloudy at all. So i decided to shoot 50/50 in my RIGHT glute. 50 percent cloudy vial/ 50 percent clear vial. In doing so im afraid i saw some cloudy oil get mixed in the clear/ new vial. Now my right glute is the same, swollen, fever off and on, and very painful. My question basically should i just go ahead and throw the cloudy vial away, use the clear vial? Should i stop altogether until i get some new gear? im basically on week 5 right now, have seen minimal gains and have been kept out of gym this week due to swollen glutes and fevers. I hope i didnt confuse anyone and if you get my situation PLEASE any input would be amazing!