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  1. #1
    fullboost is offline Junior Member
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    21 Year old looking for good first time SHORT stack for cutting?


    I'm new here, as you can probably see.

    I'll give a bit of background before jumping straight in and asking "wot steroidz shud i use?" as after doing some reading, i can see how much that annoys everyone!

    I'm 21, been training off and on for a few years now, taking it a lot more seriously since the start of this academic year (i'm at university). I used to be huge (not good huge, fat huge) and weighed in at over 18 stone several years back. I've lost most of that now and weigh in at around 182lbs or 13 stone, which while i have bulked up a bit from weight training, is still not ideal - definitely got a pot belly going on still.

    I'm around 24% bodyfat from the calculations i have been doing.

    I will say now, that I am well aware of how important diet and training is for weight loss and i know that steroids do not specifically burn fat.
    I know about training with intensity, i know about training to muscular failure etc.

    Basically i'm not stupid, i know they don't work miracles, but here is my scenario.
    I've been struggling to get rid of my belly and get a flatter stomach, i was on a strict low carb diet and lost around 9lbs in the past few months and was doing very well and on target to have slimmed down with a nice amount of muscle and definition by the end of June (when i'm off on holiday).

    Unfortunately i have been very ill for the last month and haven't been able to go to the gym or eat properly and have basically undone most of what I have achieved recently.

    I'm hoping this is where a short steroid cycle may give me the edge. I say short because I plan on starting it at the beginning of next term, that only leaves me with 9 weeks and from what I understand i'll need a few weeks of PCT leaving me with only around 6 weeks for a cycle.

    So my question is this. What would you recommend for a 6 week steroid cycle for a beginner?
    As i said, i'm new and this is my first cycle so please, treat me like an idiot, spell everything out and tell me what's what.
    From what i researched i presume for my first cycle for my anabolic i should stick with testosterone - what about avanar? that seems to be effective for helping with cutting from what I can see

    Ideally what i would like to find out is:
    * What i should be taking
    * When i should be taking it
    * How much of it i should take

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    werms is offline Associate Member
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    You eat like crap. You will look like crap.

    There is no cycle on this planet that will help you if you don't know how to diet and cardio.

    Anyways you're 21 Not worth the risks and before you ask what Risks I suggest you read all the sticky threads for the next 3 hrs and then reply to this thread.

  3. #3
    fullboost is offline Junior Member
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    I've already said that I had been dieting succesfully and training successfully (that includes cardio, usually a combination of low intensity before breakfast and HIIT at other times of the day)
    I've read many stickies about many risks, i'm simply trying to gather as much knowledge as possible before i make a decision.

  4. #4
    werms is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fullboost View Post
    I've already said that I had been dieting succesfully and training successfully (that includes cardio, usually a combination of low intensity before breakfast and HIIT at other times of the day)
    I've read many stickies about many risks, i'm simply trying to gather as much knowledge as possible before i make a decision.
    Post your Diet. 24% BF is High. How long have you had a "diet" for?

  5. #5
    fullboost is offline Junior Member
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    ~200g protein a day, 80g carbs max, ~100g fat (good fats where possible, nuts, olive oil, oily fish etc)
    I know 24% bf is high. My diets been off and on, i'd do it, lose some weight then stop and put it back on again. I was really committed to finish with my excess bodyfat this time around however and since I restarted my diet and training regime again properly about 10 weeks previous to me being ill i was losing around 1-1.5lb a week without fail, i'd not incorporated cardio at that point either. I was just starting this as i became ill.

    Edit: I should also point out, previous to the 10 weeks of me cutting again. I was bulking and put on quite a lot of mass during first term of uni, unfortunately i didn't follow the diet too well then hence the need to cut again this term.
    Last edited by fullboost; 03-08-2012 at 08:10 PM.

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You don't even have the discipline to follow a proper diet for the time needed to reduce your body fat. Steroids are not needed for what you're after.

  7. #7
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Also, "bulking" and "putting on mass" are terms used incorrectly by you. You just got fatter.

  8. #8
    Razor is offline Banned
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    I think since you are so young you should try our steroid alternatives and use the for a while till you are older and have a better base and understanding of anabolics..They are great products and many people have had great results with them. this is a good stack for you for cutting and you dont have to pct
    Last edited by Razor; 03-08-2012 at 11:06 PM.

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