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  1. #1
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2012

    Smile Please help review First Cycle Test E

    Hi, little background 5'9" 182 lbs 10% bf. Been lifting a few years, diet, rest and training are not an issue, very anal about these. I have done countless hours of research for about a year, know all potential side effects and what I'm getting myself into etc. Now I have decided that I want to run a 15 or 16 week cycle of Test E, any help is appreciated and suggestions are always welcome.
    My plan is like this:
    Week 1-3:
    Kick start cycle with Test Prop 100 mg EOD.
    1 mg of arimidex per day
    Week 1-15/16:
    500 mg of Test Enanthate split into 2 weekly doses of 250 mg each.
    .5 mgs of arimidex per day
    250 iu's of HCG twice a week to keep the boys running, I have done lots of research and most seem to suggest HCG during cycle, few for PCT. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?
    Week 17-20(PCT):
    20 mgs of nolvadex per day
    20 mgs of aromasin per day

    So what do you guys think? The one that mostly startles me is the HCG, should it be run during post or not at all? people seem to differ but I have found most use it during. Also, anyone out there use pygeum extract, or nettle root extract for prostate health? should I worry about this in my first cycle? Thanks for the responses.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That arimidex dose is likely too high, you can start lower and adjsut if necessary. Taking too much will hurt your gains.

  3. #3
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    maybe .25-.5 mgs per day? depending on how high I feel estrogen is?

  4. #4
    thex95's Avatar
    thex95 is offline Senior Member
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    I would wait a few years because you are only 22, that said highlighted in red are the changes I would make.

    Quote Originally Posted by djjohnnied View Post
    Hi, little background 5'9" 182 lbs 10% bf. Been lifting a few years, diet, rest and training are not an issue, very anal about these. I have done countless hours of research for about a year, know all potential side effects and what I'm getting myself into etc. Now I have decided that I want to run a 15 or 16 week cycle of Test E, any help is appreciated and suggestions are always welcome.
    My plan is like this:
    Week 1-10/12:
    500 mg of Test Enanthate split into 2 weekly doses of 250 mg each.
    .5 mgs of arimidex eod
    250 iu's of HCG twice a week to keep the boys running, I have done lots of research and most seem to suggest HCG during cycle, few for PCT. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?
    18 days after last injection(PCT):
    nolva 40/20/20/20
    clomid 70/35/35/35

    So what do you guys think? The one that mostly startles me is the HCG, should it be run during post or not at all? people seem to differ but I have found most use it during. Also, anyone out there use pygeum extract, or nettle root extract for prostate health? should I worry about this in my first cycle? Thanks for the responses.

  5. #5
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the response! but I have read that both nolva and clomid are SERM's, a lot of people only use one. Can you please explain your reasoning behind using both?

  6. #6
    DGHGM's Avatar
    DGHGM is offline Junior Member
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    I think maybe he means Nolva or clomid Scotts? The dosages are interesting though, I thought 20mgs of nolva was equivalent to 150mgs of clomid?

  7. #7
    Razor is offline Banned
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    To much adex and cycle is a little long. How many cycles have you run?

  8. #8
    thex95's Avatar
    thex95 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGHGM View Post
    I think maybe he means Nolva or clomid Scotts? The dosages are interesting though, I thought 20mgs of nolva was equivalent to 150mgs of clomid?
    no I mean Nolva AND clomid. Its pretty standard to run them both for PCT

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Read the pct section and you will know why you need both.RESEARCH is key.

  10. #10
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Also you are correct HCG and AI are for during your cycle. Personally I'd cut the AI down to EOD

  11. #11
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Thanks so much guys for the responses! They have definitely helped and I will definitely revise the things that you guys recommended!

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