Last 2 weeks ive been on 30mg Dbol ED and 170mg Test Prop EOD. 2nd cycle.
Pretty much no sides till now. Last day or 2 my resting heart rate has been from 90 to as high as 120. Its really uncomfortable and is giving me anxiety. Had to take a diazepam last night just to relax. I went to the docs yesterday to get BW done (told him i was on cycle) and got BP checked. They did the normal test and it was high 150/60 or something. But when they did a slow test which took like 5 mins it was normal like 125/60. They told me my heart rate was high (no shit) and that i needed to relax cause it was making it show high BP, then sent me home.
This happened on my last cycle aswell i was doing 500mg wk sus250 and adding 100mg of prop before chest day... So maybe its the prop? I'm going to take a break from the dbols over this weekend see if that changes anything. I'm also gonna start pinning the prop ED instead of EOD and maybe reduce the dose a bit. And upping my Aromasin from 5 to 10mg ED.
Does anyone else get rapid heart rate on cycle? Does it pass?