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  1. #1
    Peter Dafoe is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    Could use some help with info regarding using anabolics for rehab etc...

    Hey all,

    I broke my back about 5 years ago. Since then, I was on tons of pain killers but quit them all. I'm better off without them. I gained a ton of weight during the several years in bed and I've lost about 40 lbs in the past 4 months.

    However, I had a flare up and spent the past 2 weeks in bed. I did something while training to do this, seated lat row is my best guess but didn't hurt too much at the time.

    Despite being a trainer for a very, very long time, I've never even seen other options (which I can't say due to rules of the forum) let alone used them. Gaining muscle is never my problem. I put it on like nuts but weight loss has always required more work.

    To the point... All those pain killers killed my sex drive, lowered my testosterone etc., and while I've been off the heavy duty pain killers, they say it can take a year or two for your brain to rewire and get back to normal.

    I've recently been thinking about trying a short cycle, maybe 1-3 months to help build the muscles in more back/core specifically to help with rehab. Also, the faster I'm in shape, the faster I rebuild my clientele but that's nothing compared to the former reason.

    My primary fear has always been hair loss. I'm 33 and full head of hair and I've heard hair loss primarly affects people that are predispotioned to hair loss. It varies in the family. My father never had hair problems, nor my mother's side but my father's dad was bald early on. I know this sounds paranoid, but I can deal with the other side effects that go away after.

    Do you guys think this is worth a try for rehabing my back faster and what length of a cycle would you think? I'm not looking to compete or anything like that, just get back in shape and get my back healthy again so I don't spend another week or two in bed.

    While I've read tons of articles over the years about anabolics, I've never seen anyone use them or tried them.

    I could probably even get a prescription considering my circumstances.

    What's your opinions on this and any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much...

  2. #2
    scorpion62's Avatar
    scorpion62 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    whats your stats mate
    Age 33
    Years training

    If the pain killers have did what you say then you should go to docs and get him to do bloodwork and get checked out first theres no fast track back to good health and steriods are not a fast fix, whats your training like ? Is your diet in check?,if you have core problems then it might be an idea to work on it first,also most people that are on steriods dont advertise it

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