new to deca but plan on using it next cycle, what are your thoughts on it, i hear its one of the safest steroids and gives amazing results when used with test.
new to deca but plan on using it next cycle, what are your thoughts on it, i hear its one of the safest steroids and gives amazing results when used with test.
What yout stats? and cycle historyOriginally Posted by nutrition7771
Extremely suppressive though thats its only downfall, and progesterone sides yuck
to say that deca is one of the safest steroids is a big exaggeration
13% bf
2 cycles under belt of prop/var & enanthate & d-bol
looking to run deca at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. is deca alot safer than tren would you say ?
Deca all around is pretty good lots peeps stack it with test for its joint and tendon lube antiinflammitory effectsOriginally Posted by nutrition7771
You do have to stay on for quite some time as it is very slow steroid so 12-16week or longer cycles
If your planning on compete where they drug test nandrolone decaonate is detectable for something like a year after and definitely run it with test equal amounts and i would suggest hcg also
good luck to your dick with that cycle, bro
why good luck to my dick, im guna be running 500mg sust with it too
is it a good thing to try for a 2nd/3rd cycle then yea ?
I started a thread asking for a Deca repla***ent. Deca shuts my dick down hard and I even ran Cialis on the weekends and it often didnt help. I was running 500-750 mgs of test with it. Depends on your body. People say use an Am inhibitior which is all new to me these days. Seems like everyone is jumping on the AI band wagon promoting its use and throwing supporting documents for it. I still need to read up on it more rather than following the flock acting like I know about AI.
I was running 525mg npp and 525mg test and had no problems with deca dick, but that's just me. Nadrolone gives me gyno bad so make sure you keep estrogen under control and have some prami or caber on hand.
I run caber with my deca cycles and have never had a problem.
Starting monday deca at 600 and test 750.
caber is something i have no experience with time for a google i think
Honestly I like deca more than any other AAS (test not included). I get great gains with minimal sides. Everyone is different but yes, for a third cycle, throwing deca in with some test should work out for ya. Make sure to have some caber on hand just in case. I've never needed it but many people do. Good luck!
if you like Deca because it is pretty safe, then I would recommend thinking rather about Primobolan; but if you will add test then Primo would be waste of money
on the other hand Deca also improves immune system and helps with joints, etc... it is one of the most famous steroid on the world for decades
you should google what we call "Deca Dick" problem
for me Clomid and Proviron always helped when it came to such problem
personally I give you green light, Deca is great steroid (should you also know that for up to 18 months nandrolone can be detected in body)
Last edited by Jan; 03-11-2012 at 09:39 AM.
makes no sense to me eitherOriginally Posted by Turkish Juicer;5933***
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
it is easyOriginally Posted by Turkish Juicer;5933***
real Primobolan is pretty expensive and if you want to use it because of its SAFETY, then if you add Testosterone why would you care about SAFETY?
it is same as thinking if better is mineral water or just ordinary water and drink it with whisky at the same time...
I didn't know testosterone was so dangerous. Wow!!!Originally Posted by Jan
Someone asked about a Deca alternative. I was too lazy to scroll back and quote it, because I'm on the new app. Anyways, maybe look into Equipoise.
The profile description of Equipoise makes comparison to Deca. The reason why I got on it is because my friend (a very experienced AAS user) recommended I try it instead of Deca. He suggested that when I come off, I may not be plagued with the same kind of joint pain that Deca is known to hide while on cycle and acts very much the same.
Just my $.02. If you have done a few cycles and are ready to go with a proper pct and diet while on, give Deca a try. (only under the assumption that you are doing it correctly)
So many wrong/misleading statements in this thread its crazy
deca and eq are nothing alike.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Results-wise?Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
for me, I like deca. some here talked me into it instead of EQ, and I'm glad i listened.
Deca gives me a milder benefit than tren (strength, vascularity), but without the anger.
all in all deca sounds like a good BB drug then, goal is to add alot of weight but im going to try keep off that water/moon face look.
cycle plan
sustanon 500mg week 1-10
deca 500mg week 1-10
anavar 100mg week 1-8
clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20
also using arimidex .25mg ed during cycle
If your talking about safety deca is the worse next to tren. It shuts down the HPTA hard so it's not safe for the HPTA. Next progestin sides. You could get milky titties w/ deca, that is not safe. Next, decreased libidio. You dick could not work for weeks even when used with test. Then you got the moon face. Sounds like a fun ride! Ill buy a ticket for that train.....not
Everyone thinks you need a huge stack to get results. NOT SO! Keep it simple folks.
Not saying Deca is a wise choice for someone fairly new to AAS. However for someone with experience most of the problems experienced with Deca can be minimized by taking some simple steps.
One is to know how you own body reacts to test as far as aromatization, if aromatization from Test is not controlled while using Deca then progesterone sides are likely to occur, however if estro is kept in check then progesterone sides are much less likely to be a problem.
Another is problems related to the shutdown of the HPTA system, many are so worried about running a long cycle that they stop Test at the same time they stop the Deca. This is a big mistake, Deca takes a long time to clear the system so if you stop both Test and Deca at the same time you will allow the Test to clear the body before the Deca has leading to severe problems for the HPTA. If running a long ester like Enan or Cyp you should run the Test a minimum of 3 wks longer than the Deca to ensure that the Deca has completely cleared before the exogenous Test is withdrawn.
These two things in my experience ( with myself as well as others I help on AAS cycles ) make a big difference in preventing the common downfalls of 19 nors.
Last edited by Far from massive; 03-11-2012 at 07:37 PM.
yes you will put on more with deca then EQ
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
I'll likely give Deca a try next cycle, depending on how pleased I am with the Eq I am on now.
I'll see how this cycle works for me and likely try other compounds for my future cycles.Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer
I've never experienced any increase in vascularity with deca, and I've used it many times. Being your first time using deca, I would decrease the dose from 500mg to 400mg maximum. In fact I wouldn't recommend using more than 300mg per week for your first time.
I also noticed someone bringing up the point of prolactin side effects. Like I said, I've used deca many times, and I've never experienced any side effects from deca aside from a LOT of water retention, which was when I used it without an Aromatase Inhibitor. As long as you keep your estrogen levels under control by taking an AI throughout your cycle, I feel confident in saying that you will be protected from unwanted side effects. People make the mistake of stating that deca does not aromatize, but this is quite incorrect; it simply has a much lower rate of aromatase than that of testosterone. But when used in conjunction with compounds such as test that do have a high rate of aromatase, deca seems to exacerbate the aromatase enzyme to a very noticeable degree. So again, make sure that you're taking an AI such as Arimidex or Aromasin throughout your cycle to prevent bloating/gyno/acne as much as possible, and you should be able to avoid elevated prolactin levels.
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