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  1. #1
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012

    revising my first cut cycle

    First, I would like to thank everyone that helped clean up cycle for me in my last thread. I got all my gear lined up and have extra so I was thinking about extending my cycle.

    1st cycle was this -
    Wks 1-8 test prop/tren a @ 150mg eod
    Wks 5-8 win @ 50mg ed.

    I ended up w extra win and prop. Herds what I'm thinking.

    Wks 1-4 test prop 100mg eod, wks 5-12 150mg eod
    Wks 1-4 win 50mg ed
    Wks 5-12tren ace 150mg eod
    Wks 9-12win 50mg ed
    Letro on hand, pct nolva and clomid and running e/c or clen through out
    I want to run the first cycle.of win for strength for a powerlifting meet I'd like to. Im not sure if this is too harsh or not. I guess this is concern as I see no prob running prop for 12 wks

  2. #2
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    I have used tren before w no bad sides, but it has been 3 yrs since I've used anything. I am considering running the tren longer but at a lower dose. I have 40ml @ 100mg/ml so.was considering.starting earlier and running 100mg eod instead of 150eod for.shorter time period

  3. #3
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Frankly, this does not look bad for a cutting cycle. However, I would not split Winstrol between weeks 1-4 and 9-12. I doubt you will get the best out of it by introducing the compound for only 3-4 weeks at a time and then pulling back. I would instead run it for 6 weeks straight, preferably starting from week 6.

    You cannot be sure whether this cycle is going to be too harsh or not, you will have to conduct it and see. However, I highly recommend you get some HCG and follow the 500iu E3D injection protocol, starting from week 2. There are many quality compounds involved in this cycle and you will see decent results for sure.

    ... and your butt is about to turn into a human dartboard with all these ED and EOD injections, so I hope you are ready for that

    PCT starts 3 days after your last Prop injection, by the way.

  4. #4
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    Thanks for the input turkishjuicer. I forgot to.add in the hcg , that will be typical.dosage and yes, pct will start 3 days after last inject.

    As far as winny; that is oral, which I forgot to mention, so that will cut down on injected. Not exactly.happy about pinning ed, but I've done it before. The winny will 4 wks each and.I've used this before w great strength gains so that is why I wanted to have about 4 wks in me for the meet. The thing i.was unsure.about was how harsh winny is on organs and running it like that w tren . I've ran it 4 on, 4 off 4 on before but never stacked w tren.

  5. #5
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    Bump for more criticism, good or bad. Thanks for the input

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by cebby1985 View Post
    First, I would like to thank everyone that helped clean up cycle for me in my last thread. I got all my gear lined up and have extra so I was thinking about extending my cycle.

    1st cycle was this -
    Wks 1-8 test prop/tren a @ 150mg eod
    Wks 5-8 win @ 50mg ed.

    I ended up w extra win and prop. Herds what I'm thinking.

    Wks 1-4 test prop 100mg eod, wks 5-12 150mg eod
    Any reason your changing the dosage. Consistency is best in keeping endogenous levels from oscillating.
    Wks 1-4 win 50mg ed
    This is fine but in my opinion you don't need to run Win at the beginning. Tren is really anabolic and will not hold a lot of water.
    Wks 5-12tren ace 150mg eod
    Wks 9-12win 50mg ed
    The Tren and Win looks fine
    Letro on hand, pct nolva and clomid and running e/c or clen through out
    Make sure you cycle the clen 2wks on 2wks off or run keto along with your Clen. What're you bf goals? The Win & Tren is gonna get your pretty lean. Running clen for 12 weeks may be an over kill.
    I want to run the first cycle.of win for strength for a powerlifting meet I'd like to. Im not sure if this is too harsh or not. I guess this is concern as I see no prob running prop for 12 wks
    Win will be harsh on your joints. On my first Win cycle I though I needed knee repla***ents. Seriously, I mixed up my Anavar and Win bottles and ran a Win cycle when I thought I was running Anavar. I got lean and looked great but my knees were so sore I couldn't bend down to get into my sports car. When I tried to get out of the car I had to climb out by hanging onto the roof. It was pretty harsh on my knees. I was running 100mg/ed.

  7. #7
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow that Sucks! Ive always ran winny before w no terrible sides. I love the strength gains I got from it while competing. I noticed no difference when I ran it w deca or not. Maybe I'm lucky. This is my first cycle on a cal deficit so I guess ill just have to see

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