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  1. #1
    sleepingz is offline Junior Member
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    so guys.. tell me what you think..

    Whats up everyone.. Been trolling this forum for a while.. Finally a member.. Had allot of laughs and surprises from how uneducated people/kids can be, especially with thier disregard to learning about what seriouse changes good and bad theyll be doing to theyre bodies.

    That said im here to listen, learn and exercise (literally lol) correctly whatever tools I can use.

    Me... I am 187 pounds, 14% bf, 27 years old, gym off and on 9 years, consistantly nearly 3 years.

    My diet consists of 150 grams protien from supplements, and about 180 grams from chicken/steak/eggs/otherfoods and milk (full diet available.on request). Brown rice and oats throughout the day, allwys around 3400 to 3800 calories a day. About 200/250 carbs.

    I have completed an only oral cycle just once 5 months ago of dianobol, anodrol, proviron and nolvadex with d-aspartic acid a pct. It was... Pretty good.

    I have ordered my next cycle.. T enthanate 500 x8weeks, deca 400x4weeks, then deca 200x4(last 4 weeks) proviron week 3, 5, 7 on and off, 1 pill a day on the active weeks. Nolvadex 20mg a day, weeks 4,6,8 and9. Rest on week 10 from everything. Then clomid 50 mg 2aday week 11, then 1aday 12 and 13.

    Please tell me what you think guys..

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    cancel the deca or keep it for later use its unecessary and this is first time running test you need to see how you react to that first

    run the test 12 weeks as 8 isnt enough

    personally I wouldnt bother with proviron , get a proper a.i. like aromasin or armidex

    your pct start times are off look here

    nolvadex and clomid for pct at 40/40/20/20 nolvadex and 50/50/25/25 for the clomid

  3. #3
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    what are your goals with this plan?

  4. #4
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    also why are you alternating nolvadex and proviron ? who told you to do that? dont listen to them

    you need an a.i.

    this is why

  5. #5
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Good lookin on the research bro, but that cycle isn't very efficient.

    Test E should be run 10wks minimum, preferrably 12.
    It doesn't start to fully kick in until week 4-5, so an 8 week cycle, you will only be a peak levels for 3 weeks or so. Also, pct for Test E begins 14 days after your last injection.

    The deca I would leave out all together and run Test only for a first cycle. That way you can determine how your body reacts to test and you can dial in your dosages. If you are dead set of deca, it is typically run for extended periods of time and should be stopped 2 weeks before the test because it takes 19-nors longer to clear your system. Yet another reason it does not fit well in to your plan.

  6. #6
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    I agree with Dan, add some exemestane and drop the deca . You will be more than happy with the test only, good diet, hard work.

  7. #7
    sleepingz is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input guys, lol my uncle suggested it, I know it contradicts allot of information iv read on this forum, thats why I thought to throw it out thier for you guys to give.your opinions, im going to construct a new cycle, he really recomended mixing the test with a low amount of deca , but I know my uncles opinion isnt going to be no means.

    Couple guys I know that use looked it over and said theyve pretty much done the same cycle.but with a few tweaks.

    I was an amateur middle weight boxer, it runs in my family, my uncle being well known and on tv in australia 9 years ago. I have a semi thick body composition that im extremely dedicated to getting stronger, and hopefully if I can lean out, at seperate times if need be, but just like everyone I want more strenght, to reap the visual gains and keep as much after cycle as I can.

  8. #8
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    your results from cycle will be determined by your diet, cal surplus is bulk with some fat, maintenence will give some LBM with some b/f reduction, cal deficit will drop b/f quicker and not gain much LBM

    if you fight then I recommend prop, there is less water retention and it kicks in quicker

    I would run 150mg eod or 75mg ed for 8 weeks

    And I would look to stepping up to super middle if I was you

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