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  1. #1
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Likelihood of side effects

    Well, shit. . . . I am waiting for all my gear to arrive and I am pretty nervous.

    I considered running gear in the past but always had a excuse not to.

    I have ordered everything I can see mentioned so far on this board (Stane for a AI, Clomid and Nolva for PCT) and I will only be running test en for 10 weeks.

    There is no way in how hell I can give myself shots, so it will be my Gf's responsibility(she's pro and gives shots at work all day and does her own b12's). She's totally cool with it and seems to be less concerned with any negative side effects than I am.

    I am in good shape and no newb to the gym, but the strongest shit I have even done was Phentermine for a cut once and that shit gave me a migraine like a mother.

    There is no way to answer my question 100%, but do things go terribly wrong? If so, how often.

    Just anxiety talking here, but still I feel like I want to know more before I get hit with my 1st shot.

  2. #2
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    Expect gyno with surgery required, Hardcore acne, and permanent shut down. id say thats all you will get, if youre lucky

  3. #3
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    Then again if you could man up and pin yourself (dude even your mrs does herself) you would be side effect free

  4. #4
    adamjames is offline Member
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    What dose are you running it at? Yes things can go terribly wrong but its hard to tell if the bad outcomes are ever directly related to steroid abuse , i had a friend who died at 25... he was doing tren and test and getting coked up at the weekend, he died in his sleep, there was that zyzz guy from this board who was running tren test and dnp who died at 22 from heart failure, another guy on this board in his 30s died from a heart attack in his 30s, i think theres plenty more who died young but you couldnt say if it was directly related to steroids or not, we just haveto hope that we dont have anything dodgy than runs in our genes that predisposes us to a fatal outcome, so in short....yes you could just drop dead one day because you took steroids but if you do it all properly and start at a low dose with correct diet, cardio and keep all your bloodwork and estrogen in check ect and have sufficient time off blah blah you can minimise risk...thats all we can do..but hey...we all lose in the end mate : )

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    U got jokes. lol. . . . I'm just not a medically inclined person in any way.

  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    What dose are you running it at?
    Haven't decided, either 400 or 500. Broken down into 2 per week.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    You should be ok. i wouldnt stress
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    wesholcomb80's Avatar
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    I had a ton of anxiety before my first pinn. Get that one out of the way and it will be smooth sailing from there. Just remember to keep everything extremely clean and sanitary. Good luck.

  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    You should be ok. i wouldnt stress
    I don't know why exactly but your Avatar puts me at ease

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    lol, thats cause you dont know her. She stresses me the fvck out sometimes.

    Major issues are rare. Typical issues are acne or estro related. And you have an ai so it shouldnt be an issue
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    Haven't decided, either 400 or 500. Broken down into 2 per week.
    is that all youve got for me? wheres my thanks? i dont know why i waste my time on here and reap no reward, i need to be complimented for my time and effort in posting such wise words of caution, screw it...i would suggest starting at 1 gram a week and dont get any bloodwork done, knowone dies from steroids go as high as you want, to hell with it start at 3 grams per week!!!! and get your gf to inject it in your eye.....and stop masturbating over gixxerboys avatar!!!!
    : ) joke

  12. #12
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    LMAO. . . . . . . .

    I can't. . .

    It's one 10Ml Vial per week, right? Or one in each cheek? Hmmmmm

    I should look like Bane in no time. . . . LMFAO
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Likelihood  of side effects-bane.jpg  

  13. #13
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    No need to worry about sides ahead of time as serious problems are rare (agreeing with Gixxer). Keep an eye on your blood pressure, especially if your body fat is above 15%.

    I wouldn't depend on someone else for injections if you can avoid it. It will only be scary the first time, and then you will wonder why the heck you were so freaked out. Trust me, that is the process everyone seems to go through.

  14. #14
    songdog's Avatar
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    Just relax do some research on the compound you are using.Read about pct and gyno.That way you will know wats up no surprises.

  15. #15
    mirin_serratus is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    What dose are you running it at? Yes things can go terribly wrong but its hard to tell if the bad outcomes are ever directly related to steroid abuse, i had a friend who died at 25... he was doing tren and test and getting coked up at the weekend, he died in his sleep, there was that zyzz guy from this board who was running tren test and dnp who died at 22 from heart failure, another guy on this board in his 30s died from a heart attack in his 30s, i think theres plenty more who died young but you couldnt say if it was directly related to steroids or not, we just haveto hope that we dont have anything dodgy than runs in our genes that predisposes us to a fatal outcome, so in short....yes you could just drop dead one day because you took steroids but if you do it all properly and start at a low dose with correct diet, cardio and keep all your bloodwork and estrogen in check ect and have sufficient time off blah blah you can minimise risk...thats all we can do..but hey...we all lose in the end mate : )
    ZYZZ had a pre-existing heart condition get it right

  16. #16
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I have read - a lot. But, I'm trying to plan this out as much as possible.

    If blood pressure becomes a issue at all. What would you all suggest?

    I had some blood pressure issues in the past, but nothing major.

  17. #17
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    ZYZZ had a pre-existing heart condition get it right
    I read that somewere to lol i also read about 10 other reports on his death..... so i take it your the guy who did his autopsy and your just clearing things up for us? lol thanks, like i said in my post its hard to tell if a death is directly related to steroids or if its a pre existing genetic condition that contributes to an early demise, he may well have had a pre existing heart condition but if you look at his posts on this board you can see he took a cycle of Tren , test and DNP and was already at about 5 percent bodyfat when he took the DNP!! So steroids played no part in his death then?? sure they didnt help... wake up

  18. #18
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    Well, I'm not shooting for a 5% BF or even close. That's not my thing, I just want to get more solid. I haven't been in the single digits of BF since 19.

    I was thinking of losing a few pounds of fat before I cycle. But, I feel mixed opinions on it. More fat = more weight = more of me to absorb shit. Or, less fat which maybe will have leaner gains. I dunno. . .

  19. #19
    Thunderforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    Well, shit. . . . I am waiting for all my gear to arrive and I am pretty nervous.

    I considered running gear in the past but always had a excuse not to.

    I have ordered everything I can see mentioned so far on this board (Stane for a AI, Clomid and Nolva for PCT) and I will only be running test en for 10 weeks.

    There is no way in how hell I can give myself shots, so it will be my Gf's responsibility(she's pro and gives shots at work all day and does her own b12's). She's totally cool with it and seems to be less concerned with any negative side effects than I am.

    I am in good shape and no newb to the gym, but the strongest shit I have even done was Phentermine for a cut once and that shit gave me a migraine like a mother.

    There is no way to answer my question 100%, but do things go terribly wrong? If so, how often.

    Just anxiety talking here, but still I feel like I want to know more before I get hit with my 1st shot.
    Totally understandable man. You're stepping into a brand new arena, one that the media paints VERY darkly. My experience has been very positive and the members of this board are generally very helpful. Occasionally you get the "badasses" who like to run folks down a bit who openly express any anxiety. It's the internet. Stick around take your time reading threads and see whose advice jives with your own research and who keeps a level head and doesn't try to appear overly cool. LOT'S of good knowledgeable folks here.

    As for your questions. I can only relate my own experience which is limited at this point.

    I am 7 weeks into my first cycle of T400 twice a week and Deca250 twice a week. Started the cycle with Anadrol 50 and over did that. I started with 50mg a day and bumped to 75, then 100. The oral just makes me feel ill. Was flushed and felt feverish at 100mg. I run 12.5mg Aromasin for AI. I have had zero physical sides so far. No Gyno. No acne. etc. I did suffer from test flu and was overly emotional for about weeks 3-5. I had blood work done just to be sure estro was ok and it was fine. My serum test was off the scale, over 1500. I've put on about 10-14 pounds quality mass. You are proceeding at a slower pace and it is wise. Allowing yourself to see how you will react to test is the advice of all the vets and mine as well, if only because I didn't listen to them but listened to a local guy. In spite of the few speedbumps at weeks 3-5 my experience has been VERY positive.

    It really does work.

    I will definitely cycle again and Ill proceed a bit slower.

    As far as pinning? My girl was on tap to do mine as well and did for the first three then I just decided I really needed to be able to do this on my own so I took the plunge and stuck my delt. I was nervous and clammy and it went fine. Just kept telling myself "I've got to do this". Now? It's nothing. It really isn't. Get 5 weeks of this behind you and it's not hard at all.

    She still sticks my glute for me though.

    Best of luck!

  20. #20
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    Very good info. . . .This is pretty much what I am looking for on here, people's personal experiences with this shit. This is the real shit, I don't want to just stick myself(or have someone do it for me) and say oops I missed a step. Oh man, I'm sprouting bitch tits - Wtf do I do now. < That would not be cool, at all.

    And of course there is absolutely no true 100% info on this since roids are illegal(why, I don't know. to each is own).

    It took me a few weeks alone to find a quality source, and even then I got lucky. The interweb is almost useless to find them since they are not legal in most countries. It's like asking are aliens real and where can I get some illegal drugs. . . . Just does not work.

    Now that I have everything in check, I feel pretty ready. If it wasn't for this board there is no way I would have found all the info necessary to lessen my chances of ****i*g myself up royally(well, most likely I would have just pussied out since I didn't feel knowledgeable enough to do this).

    I should be starting next week.

    My only other question is: How do you feel? Is it a high type of feeling? Or just a real good pump? I seen people mention plenty of times on here of feeling cloudy in the head.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    My only other question is: How do you feel? Is it a high type of feeling? Or just a real good pump? I seen people mention plenty of times on here of feeling cloudy in the head.
    Good. But not like superman. I also went through a bit of a sick time, like I mentioned. You're about to pump your body full of hormones. Expect some speed bumps ya know? Just be patient with it. Feels to me like my body needed to just adjust. The compounds work regardless I think. There's definitely NO emotional issues or tiredness, or thick headedness now at all. Feel very sharp. I've seen people mention better pumps and I sorta have to agree but I don't know why that would be. It may just be the added muscle looking good to me.

  22. #22
    oatmeal69's Avatar
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    If you have done your research here, (which it sounds like you have) and are really ready for a cycle. I would approach it with 100% optimism. The vets on this board advise a measured, cautious approach with as much emphasis on recovery and safety as possible. There isn't much cavalier advice here. You'll do fine, and even if you don't there are guys here who have been through everything that could go wrong.

    Pinning - Man up, dude. The worst pin experience doesn't hurt half as bad as the last rep of an exercise.

  23. #23
    JDBeretta's Avatar
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    When I did my first cycle, I felt a bit flu-ish for about 24hours after my first shot. I felt a bit tired for a few days after as well. And then nothing for a few weeks until I was sitting at work and got so horny I woulda nailed my keyboard, if nobody was watching.

    Don't stress, Bro. You'll be fine... I am gonna go out on a limb here and suggest you run it a bit longer. You'll bounce back about the same with that pct whether you run it for 10 weeks or somewhere around 16 weeks. After all, it's your first cycle and you'd be better off to get as much result as possible out of it.

  24. #24
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I was considering running it longer. I just got enough for now(2 10ml vials of test-en @ 250 per ml).

    The supplier I am using is the shit. So, if I decide to go longer I think I'll grab one more about a month or so into it as long as I am feeling well.

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