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  1. #1
    cs33 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    2nd cycle of tren. Need Help

    this will be my second cycle .
    the first was tren and sus. low dose of tren and sus 2 times a week. no more than about 1cc
    i was 140 and then gained 35 pounds
    my body fat went from 9-11%

    im 5.8
    back down to 150 and my body fat is still around 11%.
    im wanting to cut big time.
    i have been told andropen tren and then winny.

    what do you think?

  2. #2
    davewhipple is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    If you want to cut up, finaplix is the way to go. With me i gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks, it kicks in the first week you will notice. It sheds body fat and strength gains through the roof. The only sides i had were loss of sleep and night sweats, with some intense dreams. It will get the job done, it makes you want to eat non stop, if you stuff your face then you can put on 25 pounds with a cycle, but if you want to cut up then manage your diet. Fast acting and what you gain, you keep every pound if its lean mass.

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