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Thread: Critiques on 2 cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Critiques on 2 cycle.

    Hello guys,

    This is going to be my second cycle and I need some help putting it together. My first cycle was a mess and I only did 250 ew of test C, that my friend had left over from his TRT. I wanted to to test the waters, and it seems that my body is really sensitive to estrogen, as such low dose I should not get any sides but I did get some fat around my chest that I still can't get read of after 1 1/2 year of training and dieting. Anyways, since I am really worried about my gyno (prolactin, clear stuff comes out), my cycle is going to look something like this:

    My stats:

    Been a soccer player all my life so I am not a very big guy, but I am in good physical shape. 25 years old, 5'10, around 10-12% body fat. I have been working out on and off since high school, a lot of running and not enough weight lifting, I am 170 pounds. From looking at my dad and my uncles, it's not very promising that I will be putting much weight naturally, I have been trying for that last 3 years and all I got was a miserable 20 pounds or so and then plateaued.

    1-8 weeks
    Test Prop 75 eod 1-8
    Anavar 50mg ed
    Arimidex .5 eod

    Simple, short and sweet. Get in and get out as fast as possible.

    PCT: Starts second day after last injection.

    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 70/70/50/50


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    lots of views but no replies, come on guys

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I would stick with a test only again. But if you want to run var I would run no less then 60 mg. I typically run 80. If your worried about being shut down which 8 weeks is short, but again if you are run hcg.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    75mg EOD seems a like a mild cycle again. Only 267~mg a week on average (if my quick math is correct)

    Is this on purpose or do you mean ED?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    No, I meant eod. That's why I would like some feedback, maybe I'll run 100mg rod, making a total of 300 one week and 400 the other. Shooting T/TH/Sa and M/W/F/Su. Do you think the var at 50 is pretty mild also? Should I kick it up to 60mg? Its so damn expensive any alternatives to the var?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Here is how you can really keep it simple and safe: I would advice you to do 100mg of Test Prop EOD (or 50mg ED) for 8 weeks to see how your your body reacts to test alone. It will be a valuable experience for you if you decide to do future cycles, trust me.

    Arimidex 0.25mg EOD will be more than enough to keep the extra estrogen and hence estrogen related side effects away. Do NOT ever take the risk of estrogen crash in such a simple and rather light test cycle by taking 0.50mg eod.

    My presumption is that there will be some testicular shrinkage, that will become noticeable at around weeks 5-6. This will bother you, nonetheless. In order to prevent this from happening, you should add HCG Pregnyl to your cycle, starting from no later than week 2, follow the 250iu E3D injection protocol. Again, this is a light cycle, hence you do NOT need to keep your HCG and AI dosages high, you need to keep them at almost a minimum level.

    The same principle applies to your PCT as well. Wait for 3 days after your last Test Prop injection to make sure the compound has completely cleared off of your system, and you can run Nolvadex only. You will not even need to go heavy on Nolva if you have conducted HCG Pregnly injection protocol as mentioned above, since your recovery will be faster, easier and overall better.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2011
    So, run the HCG during the whole cycle? When would my last injection of HCG be before I start on nova alone? Like I mentioned above, I am prone to gyno, and I understand that by going heavier on Arimidex I could experience a heavier crash also. I will follow your examples.

    PS: I was in Istanbul in November, great city, lots to do. I didn't want to risk bringing stuff back with me

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Stop hcg beginning of last week on cycle and ur good. And yes tour recovery should be easy with only 8 weeks ans using hcg. I would up the dose of test before I would run var imo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yeah, I was thinking about that, freaking var is expensive, and I don't know how good my body would react to it. Do you think only 6 weeks of var is pointless?

  11. #11
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by javip View Post
    So, run the HCG during the whole cycle? When would my last injection of HCG be before I start on nova alone? Like I mentioned above, I am prone to gyno, and I understand that by going heavier on Arimidex I could experience a heavier crash also. I will follow your examples.

    PS: I was in Istanbul in November, great city, lots to do. I didn't want to risk bringing stuff back with me
    In Test Prop cycles, it is generally advised you start your HCG injection protocol no later than the end of week 2. The logic behind this follows that it is a short-estered test cycle, hence your blood levels will not peak until the end of week 2, which means there will not be considerable HTPA suppression until then. Experienced users who prefer running only long cycles will not start their HCG protocol until the end of week 4, since that's generally how long it takes (sometimes longer, depending on the individual as well as the compound, of course) for blood levels to peak and HTPA suppression to really begin. This way, one basically saves money and enjoys the comfort of less injections.

    I always stop HCG injections 1 week before my PCT starts as most experience users do, and we do this for a reason. I will directly quote Dr. S. Steel on this subject ''Based on it's half life of 33 Hours, weight being under 200 pounds 99 to 120 Hrs as the each body disposes of it at different metabolic rates. This is not written in stone elements of it's active ingredients can hang around a lot longer perhaps up to a week.''

    Trust me on Arimidex dosing, you will NOT need .5mg EOD on a burst cycle, even if you are prone to gyno. You can indeed talk to many experienced users who like to run burst-cycles frequently, and they will share their most honest experiences with you that even the employment of an AI as well as PCT is unnecessary in such cycles. I am not suggesting you follow this, and they don't really give this out as an advice either, but many people can in fact get away with burst cycles without an AI or any PCT afterwards. THIS IS NOT AN ADVICE, TAKE YOUR MILD AI AT A LOW DOSE AND LOW FREQUENCY (EOD OR E3D) AND PERFORM A MODERATE PCT WITH ONE COMPOUND (NOLVADEX, preferably) AFTER A BURST CYCLE. It is not worth taking risks...

    I live in Istanbul and let me tell you, it is fun ;-) You did the right thing by not trying to smuggle all the cheap over the counter Primo and Sust, they would have busted your a$$ at the airport man. That is indeed some serious risk to take, you will def. get busted nowadays.

  12. #12
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by javip View Post
    Yeah, I was thinking about that, freaking var is expensive, and I don't know how good my body would react to it. Do you think only 6 weeks of var is pointless?
    6 weeks of Anavar is definitely NOT pointless, however, I would listen to what gearbox just said: if you want to experience a stronger cycle with better overall results (greater strength and better gains) you should experiment with higher doses of the same compound, being Test Prop in this case. For instance, you can do 150mg EOD injections, or even 100mg ED injections in order to attain better results. As you have said yourself, Anavar is very expensive, if not the most expensive orally available AAS on the international market, and it is not worth experimenting with it unless you already know your body responds god-like to it. Just play with your test dosage, you will be running HCG and taking an AI during the cycle that will be followed by a PCT, so you don't have much to worry about...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I would shoot the prop ED not EOD, the link at the bottom will take you to a post which has some good points on ED vs EOD with prop, id leave the anavar out, no need using it for a first proper cycle, the test and a good diet will see you gain well in my opinion, im starting my first cycle soon and im also using arimidex at .5 EOD, my dose with the prop will be 60 mg ED, so 420 a week, i would say you should atleast aim for 400 a week if your looking for maximum muscle gains with moderate dose. I will add that HCG might aid you in recovery and ive heard nothing but great things about it, if your only cycling for the 8 weeks you would probarbly recover fine if you just took it after your cycle at week 8, but many advise to run it throughout the entire cycle......saying that i will not be running it throughout my entire course, but my course is 20 below

  14. #14
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    Apr 2011
    Man, you guys have been really helpful, thank you so much. So var, is out of the question. I will stick to the prop for 8 weeks at 125mg eod with a mild dose of AI and HCG 250 iu e3d. Now, be honest, how bad is the PIP with prop for a newbie like me? Would I be limping for days or what? Also, what type of needle should I use for HCG, insulin? best spot for injection? THanks

  15. #15
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by javip View Post
    Man, you guys have been really helpful, thank you so much. So var, is out of the question. I will stick to the prop for 8 weeks at 125mg eod with a mild dose of AI and HCG 250 iu e3d. Now, be honest, how bad is the PIP with prop for a newbie like me? Would I be limping for days or what? Also, what type of needle should I use for HCG, insulin? best spot for injection? THanks
    Most have said to me the pip is overrated with prop, but i couldnt say for sure just yet as i havent started my cycle just make sure you alternate injection sites EOD

  16. #16
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    Apr 2011
    Any feedback from the experienced bb here, how bad is it? Can I hide it from my wife?? She doesn't know about it, jajaja. She is a doctor and if she found out, she would kill me. I wish she would be supportive and get me some gear from work jajaj j/k

  17. #17
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    Feb 2011
    She is a woman and a doctor, you are in for trouble mate, because at some point, she will find out, you can bet on it.

    As for the PIP for Prop, it completely depends on how your body reacts to it (your pain threshold, especially). If I were to make a generalization, it is not as bad as Winstrol but it may hurt a little more than most long-estered injections. Some users do not feel any pain after Prop injections, at all. Even if it hurts at first, you will get used to it after 1-2 weeks, will be an easy task from then on.

  18. #18
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Depends on supplier. Some is pretty harsh and some aren't. And i wouldn't be lying to the wife. ^^^ What he said, she will more than likely find out.

    Good Luck

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    tell the wife your taking a natural test booster and b6 injections......remember, if in doubt, LIE!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    tell the wife your taking a natural test booster and b6 injections......remember, if in doubt, LIE!
    Good one man!! I'll tell her I'm a doing sub q of the hcg vitamin, jeje.

    Well, maybe it won't hurt at all for me, I did not feel a thing when I did my 12 weeks of 250mg test C. It was really easy. I am just scared I will get an infection somewhere and have to go to the emergency room without an excuse, then I will definitely have to tell the wife.

    I hope I don't get into trouble for asking this, but, who is handling the best oils nowadays? I hear a lot of good things of GP and Lixus. What do you guys think?
    Last edited by javip; 03-16-2012 at 09:34 PM.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
    tell your wife, its gonna be worse if she finds out your lying about it. my gf didnt like the idea of it but she slowly came round to the idea. she even said she'll pin me
    (starting my first in a few weeks). and if your doing it right shes gonna find out anyway

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Depends on supplier. Some is pretty harsh and some aren't. And i wouldn't be lying to the wife. ^^^ What he said, she will more than likely find out.

    Good Luck
    Which are the best combination of oils out there brother? Should I use some grapeseed oil? What is the best way to shoot prop?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Sesame oil and olive oil are amongst decent alternatives.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Dude you need to tell your wife. She's a doctor so she's not stupid. Life will be easier if you tell her than if she finds out some other way.

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