Hello guys,
This is going to be my second cycle and I need some help putting it together. My first cycle was a mess and I only did 250 ew of test C, that my friend had left over from his TRT. I wanted to to test the waters, and it seems that my body is really sensitive to estrogen, as such low dose I should not get any sides but I did get some fat around my chest that I still can't get read of after 1 1/2 year of training and dieting. Anyways, since I am really worried about my gyno (prolactin, clear stuff comes out), my cycle is going to look something like this:
My stats:
Been a soccer player all my life so I am not a very big guy, but I am in good physical shape. 25 years old, 5'10, around 10-12% body fat. I have been working out on and off since high school, a lot of running and not enough weight lifting, I am 170 pounds. From looking at my dad and my uncles, it's not very promising that I will be putting much weight naturally, I have been trying for that last 3 years and all I got was a miserable 20 pounds or so and then plateaued.
1-8 weeks
Test Prop 75 eod 1-8
Anavar 50mg ed
Arimidex .5 eod
Simple, short and sweet. Get in and get out as fast as possible.
PCT: Starts second day after last injection.
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 70/70/50/50