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  1. #1
    Piotr75's Avatar
    Piotr75 is offline Junior Member
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    Bulking/cutting cycle non stop

    Hi guys, this is my first post in here but reading you from some times. I need some critique to a cycle i have in mind and some answers to questions. I excuse if i'm mispelling some words.

    Stats: Male,170 cm tall, 75 kg, BF 15%, age 37. I started to train late in my life, 10 years ago on and off, when i was 63 kg.
    5 cycles done, last one last summer, used already all the compounds i will mention, except the boldenone , masteron , anavar .

    My idea: Making a non-stop cycle of 16 weeks, first part bulking, switching to a second part cutting with appropriate gear, diet, training. Maybe not the right time for me to do, due to my stats, but nevertheless i would like to receive some feedbacks to know if my reasoning is correct.

    1-3 weeks dianabol 40 mg day
    1 – 10 weeks 400mg testo enanthate , 400 mg boldenone undecylate, 300 mg trenbolone enanthate per week

    11 – 16 weeks masteron 300 mg per week, anavar 50 mg day

    PCT starting 30 days after last injection of masteron.

    So this is how is it rough. I have some doubts and questions:

    1) It makes sense at all doing this kind of double cycle? This is the stuff i have at my disposal, are all long esters and i have doubts on when excatly make the switch form bulking to cutting, i.e. change in training, diet.
    And: considering the kick in time of masteron, would be wise to start it at week 9, lessening the cycle to 14 weeks?

    1) I read trenbolone lowers thyroid level and so is recommended to take T3 along with it. Is this correct? How many mcg?

    2) it would be necessary/desiderable putting 50 mg proviron day, due to his capacity of freeing larger amounts of testosterone ? I don't know much about this capacity, so advice on how much, when and for how long are appreciate.
    It can be necessary also to prevent estrogen build-up, but i think this is not the case, due to fact that bold and tren don't convert to estrogen.

    3) Due to the long esters, by week 4 there will be quite a large amount of testo, bold and tren. Is it necessary/desiderable use some dose of HCG ?

    4) You will notice the absence of testo in the last weeks. Is it absolutely necessary to put it? If the only concern is about sexual dysfunctions i wolud use proviron.

    5) I read Boldenone is usually used for at least 12 weeks. I would put it right away till the end of the cycle, but i read it is very difficult to diet on it. What is your opinion?

    6) I'm confortable training 4 time a week, high intensity training. Is it enough on this kind of cycle, at least for the bulking part?

    My thanks

  2. #2
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piotr75 View Post
    Hi guys, this is my first post in here but reading you from some times. I need some critique to a cycle i have in mind and some answers to questions. I excuse if i'm mispelling some words.

    Stats: Male,170 cm tall, 75 kg, BF 15%, age 37. I started to train late in my life, 10 years ago on and off, when i was 63 kg.
    5 cycles done, last one last summer, used already all the compounds i will mention, except the boldenone , masteron , anavar .

    My idea: Making a non-stop cycle of 16 weeks, first part bulking, switching to a second part cutting with appropriate gear, diet, training. Maybe not the right time for me to do, due to my stats, but nevertheless i would like to receive some feedbacks to know if my reasoning is correct.

    1-3 weeks dianabol 40 mg day
    1 – 10 weeks 400mg testo enanthate , 400 mg boldenone undecylate, 300 mg trenbolone enanthate per week

    11 – 16 weeks masteron 300 mg per week, anavar 50 mg day

    PCT starting 30 days after last injection of masteron.

    So this is how is it rough. I have some doubts and questions:

    1) It makes sense at all doing this kind of double cycle? This is the stuff i have at my disposal, are all long esters and i have doubts on when excatly make the switch form bulking to cutting, i.e. change in training, diet.
    And: considering the kick in time of masteron, would be wise to start it at week 9, lessening the cycle to 14 weeks? considering you want to do a bulk/cut it would make more sense to turn this into a "lean bulk" in the end you will probably be more pleased with the results than if you tried to switch gears in the middle

    1) I read trenbolone lowers thyroid level and so is recommended to take T3 along with it. Is this correct? How many mcg?idk you will have to research this further

    2) it would be necessary/desiderable putting 50 mg proviron day, due to his capacity of freeing larger amounts of testosterone ? I don't know much about this capacity, so advice on how much, when and for how long are appreciate.
    It can be necessary also to prevent estrogen build-up, but i think this is not the case, due to fact that bold and tren don't convert to estrogen.idk you will have to research this further

    3) Due to the long esters, by week 4 there will be quite a large amount of testo, bold and tren. Is it necessary/desiderable use some dose of HCG ?hcg is always good to run throughout the cycle @ 250iu twice a week

    4) You will notice the absence of testo in the last weeks. Is it absolutely necessary to put it? If the only concern is about sexual dysfunctions i wolud use proviron.sexual dysfunction as well as other side effects from the hormone could always lower the dosage of test to 250mg/week if you were concerned with water retention, etc

    5) I read Boldenone is usually used for at least 12 weeks. I would put it right away till the end of the cycle, but i read it is very difficult to diet on it. What is your opinion? not difficult to diet on... usually ran for 16weeks at a minimum dosage of 600mg a week because it is such a weak steroid.... i did that amount, and it did nothing

    6) I'm confortable training 4 time a week, high intensity training. Is it enough on this kind of cycle, at least for the bulking part?i think this level of training can be sufficient depend on the workout.... however it looks like your diet could use a bit of work...see below for link to nutrition etc

    My thanks

    i will try to address some of your questions
    first the cycle is poorly organized. and has too many would be running six different compounds in this cycle.... more does not mean better
    the boldenone can be dropped, because it is a very weak steroid and will not contribute very much. and i would suggest picking either the tren or the mast and dropping the other.

    you would still have four compounds in the cycle which is alot. I would probably be best to shorten the cycle to 12 weeks, which will help with recovery at the end.

    rest of my replies are in bold in the quote above... links here

  3. #3
    Piotr75's Avatar
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    Thanks for your feedback. I will read carefully your links (massive and very good job) and then try to come up with some thoughts. Others replies on the thread are however welcomed.

  4. #4
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Upperhandy did a great job of covering the specifics. Based on your cycle history and height/weight, it occurs to me that you are having a hard time either gaining or maintaining weight, which undoubtedly is a result of an inadequate diet. Performing another cycle isn't going to change this either. Do you track your macros? Have you determined how many calories you require to gain muscle? If not, you really need to get on board with your diet before beginning this next cycle. If I'm correct in my assumptions, you're going to be very pleased with the results you see as a result of tracking macros.

  5. #5
    adamjames is offline Member
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    If your hooked on a long cycle like that you should look into a blast and cruise strategy as stated in Ronnie Rowlands post called "YOULL WANT TO READ THIS" the shortest cycle he recommends is 5 months!!! Its an interesting read anyway even if you dont follow it and will help you with a lot of the questions you have. But at 37 i dont know many who would recommend you follow such a protocol because you will more than likely end up on trt at some point

  6. #6
    Piotr75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Upperhandy did a great job of covering the specifics. Based on your cycle history and height/weight, it occurs to me that you are having a hard time either gaining or maintaining weight, which undoubtedly is a result of an inadequate diet. Performing another cycle isn't going to change this either. Do you track your macros? Have you determined how many calories you require to gain muscle? If not, you really need to get on board with your diet before beginning this next cycle. If I'm correct in my assumptions, you're going to be very pleased with the results you see as a result of tracking macros.
    The answers to your questions is yes to both. AND you are correct in your assumptions. This is because my diet and macros are right, on paper. But i really have hard times eating all i should. sometimes i manage, sometimes no. It is not a matter of organization or will, I simply don't have the appettite needed to eat completely all 5 meals i do. To be sincere, as much wrong i maybe, i was hoping the ability of boldenone to raise appettite could be of some help.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    But at 37 i dont know many who would recommend you follow such a protocol because you will more than likely end up on trt at some point
    I'm planning to read that article. Can you explain better this last point?

  8. #8
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piotr75 View Post
    I'm planning to read that article. Can you explain better this last point?
    Hormone repla***ent therapy = HRT its when your body stops naturally producing its own hormones via the HPTA

    HPTA is your Hypothalmus Pituitary Testosterone Axis.

    The hpothalmus is a part of the brain that controls much of your endocrine system, it is in charge of your pituitary gland. Your pituitary gland secretes many different hormones including HGH, LH, FSH among others, but for this we will focus on LH and FSH. So basically the HPTA is not a thing per se, but more of an explanation of hwo the body mantains homeostasis in regards to Testosterone. Basically testosterone acts in a negative feedback loop, by that I mean you start with the Hypothalmus it tells the anterior pituitary to secrete LH and FSH, those work on the leydig cells to signal them to produce testosterone. As your testosterone levels increase, the Hypothalmus recieves a signal to tell the pituitary to stop secreting LH and FSH so then the Leydig cells in the testes are no longer getting the signal to produce testosterone, thus maintaining a normal level of Testosterone on the body.

    So basically if you are taking exogenous testosterone, your body will shut down it's own production of the hormone, if your taking exogenous testosterone for long periods this can mean permanent shutdown or somehow the threashold gets set artificially low on it's own due to any number of different factors, and HRT is required, or in many cases the body produces less testosterone

    If you cycle for long periods HCG can be used at different intervals throughout the cycle to stimulate the HPTA and minimise the chance of ruining yourself
    Last edited by adamjames; 03-16-2012 at 02:42 PM.

  9. #9
    Piotr75's Avatar
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    Understood. No, i would not do that, that long. My previous cycles were 10 weeks at most, than pct. My blood works and testosterone levels were always fine. Thanks for your feedback. I knew already that diet is one of the keys, together with training and rest, but that is my weak point. I had good results, i guess, starting from 63 kgs to my 75 now. I found i gain muscles around the 3200 calories, usually reparted as 40% proteins, 30% carboydrates, 30% fats. When i manage to introduce that amount of food in me.
    Last edited by Piotr75; 03-16-2012 at 05:23 PM.

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