A lot of great advise and responses here. I don't have much else to add except a personal observation. I've run deca 3 times. Low end 500mgs. 900mgs on the high side. (yeah I know, ridiculous)
In every instance I never experienced what most commonly refer to as deca dick. I could still get hard as a rock. Getting off was my issue. My wife (before we married) considered stop dating me because she grew tired of marathon sex sessions. I literally could screw for 2-3 hours. I was much better about cardio in those days, so I could just go on forever.
Our first night together was supper hot. 2 hours straight. Both covered in sweat. She loved it initially because she had never experienced anything remotely like that before. But after a couple of weeks I think she was tired of being, well...
Sore and tired.
Nothing I tried fixed this issue for me. Not caber (I had human grade I spent a fortune on), prami, etc. Also tried various AI's thinking estrogen could be the problem. Nada. Proviron? Made me more horny, and absolutely insatiable.
Personally I liked my personal deca dick. Nothing like getting done and seeing a hot ass woman laying naked in bed, covered with sweat, wore the **** out.... looking at you just stunned. And knowing she ain't never had it like that before.