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Thread: is getting deca dick the same as getting gyno,acne etc etc etc ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Exclamation is getting deca dick the same as getting gyno,acne etc etc etc ???

    third cycle i really want to try deca, hear it gives good gains and also good on the joints and is fairly mild but one thing keeps coming to mind " deca dick " in my head i think of it permenant but is the chances of getting deca dick the same as someone using testosterone and getting gyno etc ?? can be controlled and when you stop using the drug should things get back to normal ? basically my question is is "deca dick" that much of a worry when starting a cycle involving deca , main reason being is i dont want my chick to get pissed if my wood isnt working !!!!!!!!
    cycle plan is sust 500mg ew & deca 500mg e,w and arimidex .25mg ed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Deca dick varies a whole lot person to person and also often depends on the amount of Test run with the Deca. Several things to consider when considering Deca. Deca needs to be run for at least 8 and prefferably 10 or more wks. In addition to this Deca has a very long life within the body and even a small amount of Deca will completly shut down Testosterone production, because of this Deca should be run for at least a couple of wks and prefferably a month longer than even a long ester Test to ensure that all of the Deca has cleared before you stop adding exogenous Test.

    In addition to this unless you are familiar with Test and AI's to control aromatization then Prolactin sides are likely, if estrogen is kept in check prolactin sides are less likely but still possible.

    So you can see due to prolarctin sides and the length of the cycle 14-16 wks typical Deca should not be considered a mild steroid by any measure.

    If you want to run Deca you should think long and hard about the downfalls and do a lot of reading before jumping in.


  3. #3
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive
    Deca dick varies a whole lot person to person and also often depends on the amount of Test run with the Deca. Several things to consider when considering Deca. Deca needs to be run for at least 8 and prefferably 10 or more wks. In addition to this Deca has a very long life within the body and even a small amount of Deca will completly shut down Testosterone production, because of this Deca should be run for at least a couple of wks and prefferably a month longer than even a long ester Test to ensure that all of the Deca has cleared before you stop adding exogenous Test.

    In addition to this unless you are familiar with Test and AI's to control aromatization then Prolactin sides are likely, if estrogen is kept in check prolactin sides are less likely but still possible.

    So you can see due to prolarctin sides and the length of the cycle 14-16 wks typical Deca should not be considered a mild steroid by any measure.

    If you want to run Deca you should think long and hard about the downfalls and do a lot of reading before jumping in.

    Did you mean run the test longer then the deca ? .... Deca dick shouldn't be a problem if your test dose is higher then your deca dose and yes you would want the deca to clear your system before your test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD

    Did you mean run the test longer then the deca ? .... Deca dick shouldn't be a problem if your test dose is higher then your deca dose and yes you would want the deca to clear your system before your test.
    If read here that 250mg of test per week is a guideline to minimum test amount to maintain while on deca, but above 250mg will show you Additional gains. Also you need to run the test longer than the deca as mentioned and atleast 14 weeks of deca rather than 10, pushing the test to 16 weeks. I believe that's what was the intended message.

  5. #5
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    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    If I were to run the cycle of test and deca... I may choose to kick start with some dbol for a few weeks. Might as well if you're already going thru that much gear, and ai and pct. Probably gonna get bashed for saying that tho lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Caber will take care of the deca dick, no problem

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I have been running deca for about 4 weeks and no deca dick at all but i do run about 600mg of cypionate a week with about 500mg of deca.. I am just having other issues with very bad strength loss after bridging with the deca...

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^^^Correct. Read this thread on Caber:

    Control your E and you control your prolactin. Remember B6 and Zinc will help too. Also look into Selegiline (Deprenyl) for prolactin control.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I have cycled deca & test several times and have never had issues with sexual function. I would, however, recommend injecting more test than deca each week. If this is your first time using deca, try going with 250mg per week along with the predetermined 500mg of sustanon, and as well, only take 0.25mg of Arimidex every other day. If this proves to be too little in terms of controlling water retention, as deca is notorious for causing bloat, increase that to 0.5mg every other day.

    On the note of how long to take deca, I've typically run it for 12 weeks at a time and have been very pleased with the results. In fact deca is one compound that I prefer not to take for any longer than that considering its negative affects on the gonads, as well as the recently reported impact it has on the circulatory system. The esters attached to deca and sustanon are very close in terms of half-life, so you really only need to take the test for one additional week past the deca. HCG would be a very good choice for this cycle considering the suppressive qualities of deca & test as well, taking small doses throughout the cycle, then blasting it while you wait for the anabolic compounds to clear your system in order to begin PCT, as HCG's halflife is a mere 3.5 days.

  10. #10
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    Dec 2007
    A lot of great advise and responses here. I don't have much else to add except a personal observation. I've run deca 3 times. Low end 500mgs. 900mgs on the high side. (yeah I know, ridiculous)

    In every instance I never experienced what most commonly refer to as deca dick. I could still get hard as a rock. Getting off was my issue. My wife (before we married) considered stop dating me because she grew tired of marathon sex sessions. I literally could screw for 2-3 hours. I was much better about cardio in those days, so I could just go on forever.

    Our first night together was supper hot. 2 hours straight. Both covered in sweat. She loved it initially because she had never experienced anything remotely like that before. But after a couple of weeks I think she was tired of being, well...
    Sore and tired.

    Nothing I tried fixed this issue for me. Not caber (I had human grade I spent a fortune on), prami, etc. Also tried various AI's thinking estrogen could be the problem. Nada. Proviron? Made me more horny, and absolutely insatiable.

    Personally I liked my personal deca dick. Nothing like getting done and seeing a hot ass woman laying naked in bed, covered with sweat, wore the **** out.... looking at you just stunned. And knowing she ain't never had it like that before.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    A lot of great advise and responses here. I don't have much else to add except a personal observation. I've run deca 3 times. Low end 500mgs. 900mgs on the high side. (yeah I know, ridiculous)

    In every instance I never experienced what most commonly refer to as deca dick. I could still get hard as a rock. Getting off was my issue. My wife (before we married) considered stop dating me because she grew tired of marathon sex sessions. I literally could screw for 2-3 hours. I was much better about cardio in those days, so I could just go on forever.

    Our first night together was supper hot. 2 hours straight. Both covered in sweat. She loved it initially because she had never experienced anything remotely like that before. But after a couple of weeks I think she was tired of being, well...
    Sore and tired.

    Nothing I tried fixed this issue for me. Not caber (I had human grade I spent a fortune on), prami, etc. Also tried various AI's thinking estrogen could be the problem. Nada. Proviron? Made me more horny, and absolutely insatiable.

    Personally I liked my personal deca dick. Nothing like getting done and seeing a hot ass woman laying naked in bed, covered with sweat, wore the **** out.... looking at you just stunned. And knowing she ain't never had it like that before.

    I can practically feel people ordering deca after reading that. Folks, this man is a rock star. Unlike swm1972, you will probably just be impotent and look foolish instead.

  12. #12
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    May 2011
    Also, NPP, which is deca with a short ester is pretty easy to get theses days. Might be good for first time so if you run into problems you can get off quick.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyScarecrow

    I can practically feel people ordering deca after reading that. Folks, this man is a rock star. Unlike swm1972, you will probably just be impotent and look foolish instead.
    Lmao!! I ran extremely high doses of test in those days too. Perhaps that was the determining factor.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by pheenyx1
    Also, NPP, which is deca with a short ester is pretty easy to get theses days. Might be good for first time so if you run into problems you can get off quick.
    Good advise. That's why everyone is recommended to run tren ace the first time out as well. Ive never tried npp. But I never cared for eod pinning or even worse daily pinning. I have a crap load of suspension I bought before coming to this realization. I'll have to suck it up and use it before it goes out of date.

    Npp. Is that eod? Every third day?

  15. #15
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    Good advise. That's why everyone is recommended to run tren ace the first time out as well. Ive never tried npp. But I never cared for eod pinning or even worse daily pinning. I have a crap load of suspension I bought before coming to this realization. I'll have to suck it up and use it before it goes out of date.

    Npp. Is that eod? Every third day?
    I run everything with prop, so I always pin ed. Recently I have been hearing that eod is fine even with prop, tren ace and NPP, but I dont mind pinning, so I stay ed.

  16. #16
    So do you guys reckon .25mgs of arimidex EOD from the beginning of a cycle will suffice when using 400mgs of deca and 500mgs of test E? Or would .5mg be more suitable?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I ran Npp a few times kills my libdo even with caber.Now many years ago I ran a Deca only cycle(yes dumb) I never had a problem.I am going to try Deca again here in the near future.But with test.

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