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  1. #1
    immondo is offline New Member
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    About to start Dbol + Anavar Cycle, I have questions!

    Hello everyone, I'm soon to start my Dbol cycle first (5 weeks, just testing) and after that, my var cycle (5 weeks as well) this is my first time and I'm pretty confused. I have pct pills however I'm not sure when to use them. I am thinking about buying nolvadex as well just to be safe. If theres anything better, please tell me. I'm starting Dianabol in about 3 weeks.
    Weight - 175
    Height - 5'10

    1.When should I start taking the Pct pills (once I start the cycle)?

    2. What can I take so I don't get water bloaded on Dbol? And do i take it while I'm still on Dianabol?

    3. I'm pretty sure I am Gyno prone, so what can I take to be really safe (I still have the pct pills)? and when would I start taking them?

    Any tips that you can tell me, please say.


  2. #2
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you need to slow down and read bro. pct is post cycle therapy . It is used to get your natty back after being shut down.

    what are your stats before we go further
    are missing?

  3. #3
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    research what an ai is after you post rest of your stats.

    by your post you are more than likely not ready for this cycle imo.

  4. #4
    immondo is offline New Member
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    you're right, i'm going to wait a while. once i fully understand everything i'll begin.
    age- 18
    bf- need to find out

  5. #5
    immondo is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012
    Should I take the AI during my cycle?

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    you shouldnt take anything at 18 especially that poor cycle.
    you have pct pills? what pills?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    shit-tier cycle. you will gain NOTHING from it. not to mention you're too young and would probably hurt yourself badly with steroids . also, who da fvck came up with the idea of using dbol only as a first cycle? ROFL

  8. #8
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Bro why are you being so negative? The kid is coming here to ask for advise and you are rolling on floor laughing. That's not very nice.

  9. #9
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    Bro why are you being so negative? The kid is coming here to ask for advise and you are rolling on floor laughing. That's not very nice.
    because he obviously didn't research anything, and just took some gym schmuck's advice

  10. #10
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    the only advice/research you need to do man is read up on why ppl under 25 should not use AAS. other than that, you gonna run into a dead end, with people telling you the samething over and over.

  11. #11
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    "I'm pretty sure I'm gyno prone". What makes you think that? I have an idea though...
    Just give your gear to someone else before you jack yourself up. Almost positive your diet needs massive overhaul and would benefit you more than juice (or orals) at this point.

  12. #12
    curly_vancouver is offline New Member
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    First off I agree with everyone that your to young, and on top of that, it's very apparent that you haven't done your research properly. Witch is essential before messing with any aas.
    I would personally advise you to wait a few years for your body to continue growing so u don't permantly injur your body for a few mild gains you will struggle to keep.
    But chances are you are already all reved up to go and us preaching won't deter you. My advice would be drop the dbol and run just the var, it's a much safer compound and u are more likely to keep your gains. Dbol is a test derivative so it will mess u up more and all your gains will be water weight which u will lose just as soon as you come off, not to mention it's a bad idea to run 2 17-aa(research what this means) together for your livers sake. Also if you do a lil more reaserch you will find out that anavar is a dht derivative and won't cause gyno or water retention.
    I was young and inexperienced to and ran a var only when I was too young, but way before I took my first pill I knew about every diff steroid and all the ancillaries, not knowing about ai's proves to us that you are not ready.

    Second, I'm shocked no one has brought up the fact the your first cycle should always be test only, I will find the link to that thread. And all cycles should have a test base.
    Keep in mind that is if u wait a few years like you should. Running test right now is dangerous for your growing body.
    A nice enth cycle would be a great start and it would give you a few years to do your proper research.

  13. #13
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by curly_vancouver View Post
    First off I agree with everyone that your to young, and on top of that, it's very apparent that you haven't done your research properly. Witch is essential before messing with any aas.
    I would personally advise you to wait a few years for your body to continue growing so u don't permantly injur your body for a few mild gains you will struggle to keep.
    But chances are you are already all reved up to go and us preaching won't deter you. My advice would be drop the dbol and run just the var, it's a much safer compound and u are more likely to keep your gains. Dbol is a test derivative so it will mess u up more and all your gains will be water weight which u will lose just as soon as you come off, not to mention it's a bad idea to run 2 17-aa(research what this means) together for your livers sake. Also if you do a lil more reaserch you will find out that anavar is a dht derivative and won't cause gyno or water retention.
    I was young and inexperienced to and ran a var only when I was too young, but way before I took my first pill I knew about every diff steroid and all the ancillaries, not knowing about ai's proves to us that you are not ready.

    Second, I'm shocked no one has brought up the fact the your first cycle should always be test only, I will find the link to that thread. And all cycles should have a test base.
    Keep in mind that is if u wait a few years like you should. Running test right now is dangerous for your growing body.
    A nice enth cycle would be a great start and it would give you a few years to do your proper research.

    why would you be shocked no one has suggested test e as first cycle......suggestions by people with a good reputation on this forum would only be in the form of a statement. That statement would be your too young. Giving any other advice would be pointless.

  14. #14
    curly_vancouver is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxin23

    why would you be shocked no one has suggested test e as first cycle......suggestions by people with a good reputation on this forum would only be in the form of a statement. That statement would be your too young. Giving any other advice would be pointless.
    Guess your right, kinda was thinking when he is ready thats the only thing he should be thinking about, but I guess we shouldn't put any ideas in his head other than he is just to young and to wait.

  15. #15
    immondo is offline New Member
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    damn guys all you had to say is to wait a couple years. no need for fighting haha

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