03-21-2012, 12:17 AM #1
Determining future dosing amounts
I see alot of well thought out cycles for newbies that give a ton of good info. It seems that most Tes only cycles run for ten to twelve weeks at 400 to 500 mg a week. My question is how to determine how much more tes should be added for future cycles. I am under the impression that for a first time cycle one should use 2 mg per pound of bodyweight. If I am 175 lbs. than I would be looking at 350 mg's a week. Does anyone have a solid rule of thumb that they use to determine future doses? Thanks
03-21-2012, 12:24 AM #2
No rule of thumb that I know of.
When you're planning a cycle (assuming you've got a solid routine and diet), you need to take into account what you're trying to achieve. I hear of serious long term users taking very high doses of test as their base in the cycles they do, but for the most part I rarely see anything over 750mgs for advanced cycles.
Typically, 400-500 is about right for beginner cycles, but I have seen lower doses suggested. Get familiar by reading through the stickies and comments by vets. Post, get active in the forums, and ask questions. You'll get good advice and learn to recognize those who know their stuff from those who don't.
Sorry for the generic answer, I hope it helps a bit.
03-21-2012, 12:31 AM #3
Oh, and using larger doses for later cycles doesn't necessarily go hand in hand. If you do proper PCTs and allow for recovery time after your cycles (getting receptors back to normal and building them up off cycle), you could, in theory, keep getting great gains staying around what you started earlier cycles with...
03-21-2012, 12:52 AM #4
i read somewhere that you can keep using the same dose, till you're stagnant and stop gaining. then you increase, or stack.
03-21-2012, 10:27 AM #5
I was thinking there was a multiplier that most guys used. For example: if they cycled Tes at 400mg than the next cycle could be 400mg x 1.25. I guess this would only apply if you were cycling one AS at a time.
03-21-2012, 10:30 AM #6
03-21-2012, 10:40 PM #7
There is no need to keep increasing so long as you are making gains on wat you are using.
sounds like logical advise.
04-27-2012, 04:30 PM #9
How is test amount affected if you add compounds (i.e like a nandrolone or a winny or something like that)?
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