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  1. #1
    Jax5er is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    How soon after a Cycle, can you start another?

    I am on the tail end of a Test E, and Deca cycle, over 12 weeks, 2 weeks from now start my PCT for 4 weeks. My question is how soon after I finish my PCT can I start up with my cutting Cycle?


  2. #2
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    It's typically advised not to begin a cycle until after you have spent as much time off of steroids as you spend on them plus the time on PCT. So, if you spent 12 weeks on cycle, 2 weeks until PCT, then 4 weeks on PCT, you should wait 18 weeks before beginning another cycle. This is, though, a very rough estimate based on generality concerning how long one should allow their gonads to function normally before continuing a cycle of gonadal suppression. The most helpful thing you could do is to have bloodwork performed three months after finishing PCT in order to ascertain just how much testosterone your body is making on its own, and go from there. If you discover that your body is producing enough testosterone to place you in the normal range of test, then the time-on to time-off ratio is perfectly fine to be adhere to. If, however, you should discover that your body is actually producing low test, it would be a good idea to either 1) perform another PCT, perhaps one more aggressive (that is to say, containing more PCT compounds), 2) introduce a regimen of natural testosterone boosting supplements and herbs in order to stimulate the gonads into producing more test naturally in an attempt to take a lighter approach than mentioned in the first choice, or 3) consider Testosterone Repla***ent Therapy.

  3. #3
    Snap is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    What are some good natural testosterone boosting supplements/herbs?

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