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  1. #1
    husky is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    4th possible cycle

    Hi all I'm new around these parts, so a little info on myself would help I believe I'm 28 years old, 86 kg's and 6'1 tall with 14%bf. I've been training for the last 4 years or so ( properly for the last 3 ) and have 3 cycles currently completed, the first being 500 mg omnadren sus pw for ten weeks, gains were great as it was my first, I kept about 20lbs all told, second cycle was 500mg sus, and 400mg deca pw for ten weeks, started well but became very ill halfway through ( chest and throat infection ) so lost all appetite and gym time for the last 4 weeks . 3rd cycle was 500mg sus pw alongside 3 weeks of naps to kick start the cycle, again, gains were good, around 12lbs kept overall. I have been thorough with pct with each cycle, running tamoxifen and clomid, whilst also having Letro on hand as well. No sign of gyno whatsoever in any of the cycles so far. So basically, I'm readying up for a new cycle starting next week, I have already purchased 3 ten ml vials of test 400, and 30 naps, and was just wondering, considering the cycles I have previously done, what dosage do you think I should aim for? I was thinking 1ml twice a week = 800ml pw. Do you think this would be enough to see good gains? My training regime is day on day off, 90 - 120 min workouts, and my diet is roughly 3250 cals per day, ( which I will up to 4000/4500 per day on cycle ) with around 150g protein per day also. I do try to eat as healthily as possible but I'm the sort of 'see it, eat it' kinda guy any advice would be warmly welcomed and much appreciated, much thanks, husky.

  2. #2
    husky is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Sorry for the bump guys, but my gear arrived today and I was just looking for any opinions before I begin, I'll keep a log of my progress from Now on also cheers

  3. #3
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    sydney, australia
    why do low on the protein ? ur diet needs work no doubt. get that sorted before u jump on.

    no offence u are pretty light for amount of cycles.

    re: the cycle dose. if i got good gains on 500mg a week why use more. ? no need to up dose personally if it worked well last time

    and what are naps?

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