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Thread: Test prop or TNE at the end of my cycle

  1. #1

    Test prop or TNE at the end of my cycle

    Ok my current cycle is
    D-BOL 50 mg/ed wks 1-5
    Test E 600/ wk 1-16
    Anastrazole .50 eod/ 2-3 wks ( for 2-3 weeks after d-bol )
    1) just in cause of bad gyno
    2) to drop some water weight
    3) if I show good signs ill run it longer
    Wks 18-22
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    My question is I know its gonna suck when I get off the d-bol..would it be ok to run test prop or tne the last 4 weeks of my cycle ending the prop or tne the same time as the test e..opinions and dosage please thanks guys...for the prop I was thinking 150 mg/eod?? Thanks

  2. #2
    No need to do that. Test E is a long ester and will stay in your system for about two weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    ststs height wt age?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    i personally haven't done prop at the end of a cycle, BUT i think i'm going to include it on my current cycle (d-bol, test e). the theory being that prop has a shorter ester therefore pct will begin sooner and the sooner your recovery will be. i agree with this. there are several vets here that include prop at the end of their cycle for this specific reason.

    if using test e i would drop the enth in the last two wks and add prop @ 100-150mg eod.

    what's "gonna suck" when you come off d-bol? your test e will kick in by then especially at 600/wk.

    also, fwiw, i would swap out the dex for stane and run it 12.5eod.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    if you're going to backload probably prop so then its once a day or eod injections. tne is in and out of your system in anywhere from 4-8 hours so that would need to be injected minimal twice a day. tne is great for preworkout from what i hear.

  6. #6
    Sorry guys let me be more specific as to what im looking for...I said its gonna suck gettin off d-bol cause at the moment im getting great pumps and I know when I stop d its not gonna be as good, which is why im looking at tne or even prop to replace this...sorry for the confusion
    And test isn't gonna give me as good of a pump as before( and don't tell me different cause I know)
    C W 231
    Bf 12-14%

  7. #7
    I basically just answered my own question lol...what would u run tne for??

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    prop won't replace d-bol bro. try adding about 5mg of l-cialis to your pre-w/o schedule. i'm starting it today. i'll let you know the results..

  9. #9
    Lol I've tried that got crazy headaches from bp going up....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    gotta watch that bp! lol

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