Ok my current cycle is
D-BOL 50 mg/ed wks 1-5
Test E 600/ wk 1-16
Anastrazole .50 eod/ 2-3 wks ( for 2-3 weeks after d-bol )
1) just in cause of bad gyno
2) to drop some water weight
3) if I show good signs ill run it longer
Wks 18-22
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
My question is I know its gonna suck when I get off the d-bol..would it be ok to run test prop or tne the last 4 weeks of my cycle ending the prop or tne the same time as the test e..opinions and dosage please thanks guys...for the prop I was thinking 150 mg/eod?? Thanks