Have a friend that is 22 previously did a 10 week cycle of sus with no pct.

This is what he says happened "i went from 75kg to 90kg in 10 weeks on 1ml per week. you get a high sex drive and you get angry if you dont go to gym so just go and take your agression out that way".

He plans to get 3 10ml vials of sus. It was difficult to find out his thinking why he needed 3 vials. I believe he just thinks thats going to be plenty, or something.

He's coming over tomorrow and i wanna try and explain to him why a dosing plan is important. And why pct is necessary.

Can anyone think of some good points to make to him put in stern words to scare him into doing things the correct way?. He seems fine after the first cycle and said he had no sides but im worried he's gonna damage himself this time.

I have my PCT ready and waiting but i dont think i have enough to share it with him and he plans to cycle in the next couple weeks i imagine if i told him he would need to wait 3 weeks to do it and would have to add the PCT afer the cycle that he would probably be against it cause he thinks he's invincible.