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  1. #1
    soccerplayer is offline New Member
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    Avanar(Oxandrolone) w/ Clebunterol

    Would it make sense to make a cycle of oxandrolone w/ Clenbuterol to get a little bit of mass?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    anavar is a cutting steroid , and muscle gains from it are measly. also, clenbuterol does not increase muscle mass at all. you have got some research to do before making posts like that. also, give use your stats: age, weight, height, bf%

  3. #3
    minitourwvu is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamageDealer
    anavar is a cutting steroid, and muscle gains from it are measly. also, clenbuterol does not increase muscle mass at all. you have got some research to do before making posts like that. also, give use your stats: age, weight, height, bf%
    There is no such a thing as a cutting or bulking steroid , its the diet and training that you do while you are.on it that will provide the results you are after.

  4. #4
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by minitourwvu View Post
    There is no such a thing as a cutting or bulking steroid, its the diet and training that you do while you are.on it that will provide the results you are after.
    95% of people i know use anavar for cutting cycles, therefore it's a cutting steroid . op wants to gain muscle with it, which won't happen

  5. #5
    Jerseystepup is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by minitourwvu View Post
    There is no such a thing as a cutting or bulking steroid, its the diet and training that you do while you are.on it that will provide the results you are after.
    Spot on right there... i cut with anadrol ... no such thing as cutting or bulking compounds... Clenbuterol also DOES HAVE anabolic AND anti-catabolic properties to it...

    So to the OP's question, YES it is possible to make an increase in LBM while taking both compounds together... Again, Diet plays a major role in this..

  6. #6
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    There is a thread I just bumped not to bit ago for people to read. It was on anavar . Everything was logged with a doctor, bloodwork, ect. He gained 19lbs and lost 1-2% bf.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 03-29-2012 at 10:49 AM.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamageDealer View Post
    95% of people i know use anavar for cutting cycles, therefore it's a cutting steroid. op wants to gain muscle with it, which won't happen
    95% of ignorant ppl that I know who refuse to inject test think that running dianabol and winstrol (both oral mind you) is a good choice because you'll get big and cut at the same time. There's actually pop that I know who told me they drink less water on a dbol only cycle because it'll mean they won't retain as much water.

    Diet is everything. All compounds used are called aas for a reason.

  9. #9
    soccerplayer is offline New Member
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    I'm sorry guys. I never have done any cycle before and I'm doing some research that's why I'm posting my doubts here. I can't gain too much mass. Probably 10 pounds the most. I play soccer, but I need to bigger a little bit and I might be drafted after my senior year and the scout told me that I need to get bigger because nobody would choose with my status now.

    20 years old
    1,79cm - 5'9

    Don't you think clenbuterol and anavar would work for me?

  10. #10
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Not tour fault man. Sometimes ppl give out incorrect advice and the thread went a little stray

    If you're looking to put on some mass, cut the clen . Clen is used during a calorie deficit to help burn extra calories/fat. It also may interfere w your cardio and breathing.

    More importantly, you're still young. Stay away from the testosterone and ither aas. If toured a soccer player, you're very active and require a ton of calories to maintain your current bodyweight, let alone grow. Spend sone time brushing up on your diet, calorie needs and macros.

  11. #11
    Jerseystepup is offline Junior Member
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    What supplements do you currently take? Creatine is known to work wonders for endurance athletes.. might be something you wanna look into?

  12. #12
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccerplayer View Post
    I'm sorry guys. I never have done any cycle before and I'm doing some research that's why I'm posting my doubts here. I can't gain too much mass. Probably 10 pounds the most. I play soccer, but I need to bigger a little bit and I might be drafted after my senior year and the scout told me that I need to get bigger because nobody would choose with my status now.

    20 years old
    1,79cm - 5'9

    Don't you think clenbuterol and anavar would work for me?
    Use the CLEN in PCT which will help to create an anti catabolic effect and cut any gained water mass which should be minimal. Anavar will give you a nice 10-15lbs of lean mass with the right diet and workout routine. Minimum 8 week cycle and recommended dosage for a first timer would be about 50mg's a day. Throw in a little cardio with everything and it will give you what you are looking for.

  13. #13
    soccerplayer is offline New Member
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    Creatine is not allowed on NCAA Division I and it's really easy to get detected. Anyways, thank you

  14. #14
    soccerplayer is offline New Member
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    what you mean by use the CLEN in PCT ? I was planning to do on 8 week cycle which would be 2 months. I run approximately 6/7 miles every monday wednesday and friday.. tuesdays and thursdays I do some fitness tests.. like 2 miles under 12 min something like that so cardio would not be a problem.. do you think it would help me?

  15. #15
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Wait. I'm confused. You would be concerned with getting busted for taking creatine, but not concerned with getting busted for useing anabolic androgenic steroids ?

  16. #16
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    PCT = POST CYCLE TREATMENT............which is needed with all steroid cycles. Whats your diet and lifting routine? Post it up. What are your stats? Seems like you need to do more reading and research.

    Quote Originally Posted by soccerplayer View Post

    what you mean by use the CLEN in PCT ? I was planning to do on 8 week cycle which would be 2 months. I run approximately 6/7 miles every monday wednesday and friday.. tuesdays and thursdays I do some fitness tests.. like 2 miles under 12 min something like that so cardio would not be a problem.. do you think it would help me?

  17. #17
    soccerplayer is offline New Member
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    why are you confused? clenbuterol is detected no longer than 5 days and oxandrolone no longer than 3 weeks.

    That's what I thought and that's why I'm on this forum, so I could listen to people like you macattack. What's the differente by taking oxandrolone and clenbuterol at the same time than taking oxandrolone for 2 months and then do clenbuterol on PCT?

    My diet is pretty light, it's just based on carbo and protein.. I lift every monday wednesday and friday with running.. tuesday and thursdays I just run..

  18. #18
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't understand why you're wanting to run clen while bulking? Also, the effects of clen on tour heart rate and breathing will more than likely interfere w your sport.

  19. #19
    rawpower is offline Junior Member
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    idk if taking clen with high intensity training would be smart for your health man. Even when i take clen an go for jogs i have to rly monitor my heart rate bc you can begin to feel awful on it

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