Need some advice on cycling Winnie (oral), Tbol (oral) and Var (oral) and the use of HCG during the cycle.
I plan on running the following:
wks 1-6 Winnie 100mgs ED , Tbol 100mgs ED, var 100mgs ED. split twice a day 50mgs/50mgs
wks 7-12 tbol 100mgs ED and Var 100mgs ED. split twice a day 50mgs/50mgs
wks 13-19 Winnie 100mgs ED , Tbol 100mgs ED, var 100mgs ED. split twice a day 50mgs/50mgs
i was going to run 250ius of HCG ever 5 days and run clomid/novaldex for pct.
the goal is to stay away from adding test and keep my natural test as normal as possible..