I have to confirm my math but I had 2 20ml bottles of androphen 275. My first weeks I pinned .5 ml 2x/wk for 1ml. Then weeks 2-11 I was pinning 1ml 2x/wk. I used up both bottles in this timeframe. If I put this to math. 1cc=1ML I did 2ml/wk so this should in reality last 10 wks...but I went through 2 bottle in 11wks.
First- First cycle was great. Finished up first week of Jan 2012.
I am 6'1" 40 and start at 231lbs. During cycle I got up to 253. Loved it. Had decent strength gains. Still want to bench more. I suck at this. Been trying to bench heavy for 2 yrs.
First cycle
11 weeks Androphen 275( 1ml 2x/week)First 2 weeks was .5/2x wk
Did liq adex durning that time(.25 every other day or so) - I stopped right after my last pin. I believe I was supposed to wait till I started PCT 2 weeks later.
Did Liq Nolva Started at .5 then tappered to .25 after about 3 weeks.
No sides I noticed on cycle. I do feel I came off hard. I know most mental. Just felt I need to be on ASS to continue. Felt weak at the gym, unmotivated. for about 2 mths.
I have settled in at 240lbs. Been feeling good preparing for second cycle.
2nd Cycle thoughts
I have 2 bottles of Androphen 275 and 1 bottle of Sus250.
I waould like to go for a longer cycle 14-16weeks
Also I was thinking of stacking with Deca. ( I want strength!!)
but a little hesitant about the deca sides(deca dick)
Do you all think it would be ok to start with the sus 250 when runs out continue to Androphen 275. Maybe when about a 1/3 of the sus left I should stat to mix wiht the androphen275??