I have a serious question, all typed and ready to post and site keeps saying spam etc, no privledges. Help Please!
I have a serious question, all typed and ready to post and site keeps saying spam etc, no privledges. Help Please!
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So i'm hoping some very wise experienced people will have something helpful to say about this.
I am 25 years old, 147 pounds , 5'11, I have always been thin. I was a late bloomer, didnt see any serious signs of puberty until about 18 years old, at 25 now , cant grow any facial hair on the sides of my face, just a filthy mustach and chin hair. Could be genes, i do realize. Heres the catch.
I did something very stupid when i was 20, i was attending college, looked like i was about 16-17 years old. I was working out 2 to 3 times weekly, eating heavily and not seeing much of anything, Some older guy that i worked with and went to school with said to pick up these these supps from the local health food supplement store in town they work great. "go to the counter and ask for them they are not on the shelf" , Stupid me, didnt realize that a legit business would actually sell anything harmful..
I bought... M 1 T's , I was taking 2 to 3 per day, i probably weighed 140 pounds then and like i said looked very young. and obviouslly didnty even know what a pct was back then, had no idea what i got myself into. yes .. i know, hear i am 5 years later and kicking myself for doing such a thing.
I got hard when i was taking them and made my upper body very cut and hard pecs.. 1.5 years ago at age 23 i had a lump removed from under my left nipple, it was almost the size of a golfball.
I feel pretty good most of the time, starting to grow the odd cheek hair here and there, very very slowly.. i beleive my body, over the last 5 years has somewhat balanced out its levels.. maybe
I feel like i dont have the aggression and mental alertness that i used to have, i dont sleep well and im tired alot of the time, all while eating very well. I have read alot about people doing a cycle to "kickstart" there system after not using pcts etc... by no means am i saying i am going to do this. I would just really like opinions from you guys as you probably know alot more about this then anyone i know around me. I am worried that i may have damaged my endocrine system or natural testosterone levels (which may have been low to begin with) Please any feedback would be much appreciated. I have been starting to do alot of research on gear/hormones, Should i be looking at either of these? Would either of those fix or kickstart levels in hopes to get them back to natural levels, what do you guys think?
You are SEVERELY underweight bro. You need to concentrate on diet & training before you cycle. Without a natural foundation, you will never keep any the gains you make on steroids, & in fact, you may even end up smaller than you are now.
I am not really looking to do gear at all, I am also totally open for diet suggestions and to start on it. I was just curious if anyone thinks i may have damaged my body in any way,
I've never heard of "M 1 T's", if they are a PH or AAS, there IS a possibility you did some damage, only an Endocrinologist can tell for sure. If you would like some help with a better diet to help put on some lean mass, post your current diet, include times, cals, proteins, carbs & fats of each meal.
Last edited by The Bear 79; 03-31-2012 at 07:01 PM.
M1Ts are a PH
To be honest, I run a business and my wife cooks most of my meals, lots of veggies meat and potatos, i eat alot, i also dont look "sick" , im just a small dude. but no doubt can i improve my diet.. thats all ican say. im no nutritionist, ive never weighed my food out.. If you can just start throwing ideas or diet plans at me, i will take them seriouslly as of today. I just dont have the experience, time to research, or knowledge of foods and nutrition to do it myself. What foods should i be eating? and every 2-3 hours? Teach me whatever you can type in 5 minutes guys! Thanks Again
your best bet is going to a dr and getting blood work and seeing where you are at. otherwise everyone is guessing. Facial hair isnt a good measurement of test levels
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
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