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Thread: Sustanon, deca and winstrol cycle.. Beginner

  1. #1

    Red face Sustanon, deca and winstrol cycle.. Beginner

    i'm starting my first cycle and have all the ingredients i think i'm going to need. Sustanon, Deca and oral winstrol. Two bottles of Test actually Was told to inject the deca and sustanon together once a week at one cc each. and start the oral winstol at the same time. I'm thinking of first starting with the sust for 4-6 then throwing in the deca and winstrol for another 6? When should i start taking the Nolvadex and Clomid? I apologize for the minimal amount of information i have, very new to this. I'm 6'1" 180. Very fit and gym at least once a day, ready for this next step.. Thanks for the help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Los Angeles, CA
    1st cycle should be strictly test with the option of dbol. no more than 500mg a week test cyp or enthanate and no more than 30mg dbol
    A good first cycle would be:
    week 1-12 test cyp or e 500mg a week (long esters not short ester-ed)
    week 1-4 Dianabol 30mg every day (optional)

    Sustanon is a short ester steroid meaning you will be injecting every other day. Deca IS NOT a testosterone. Winstrol is a cutting compound vs deca a bulking. you would not start winny that early in the cycle. 6 weeks is not a long enough cycle. pct should be after the half the last half lives have deteriorated in your body.

    No offense but you are VERY VERY VERY far off and seem maybe to be a bit too young and inexperienced in the gym.


    You don't know how your body is going to react to one compound (steroid) nonetheless all the compounds you have there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    first cycle should be test only, a sustanon compound is very tricky for beginners. and you don't need deca or winstrol. how old are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    1st cycle is test ONLY for the reasons if you have a bad reaction you will know wat is causing it.Plus being your 1st you will grow like a weed if your diet is weak. And at 6'1 you are on the light side tells me your diet is off.You should post your diet in the diet section w/macros.This way you will get max results.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hope you listen to these guys, im sure thwere will be plenty more warnings to come and all justified. Id say dont do any of it until you are educated on what you are doing

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