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  1. #1
    JM6075's Avatar
    JM6075 is offline Junior Member
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    Pre-contest cycle

    Im getting ready to do my first show and getting my precontest together. I've done two cycles in the past, I'm 23 6'1 235 11% taking in 5000-5500 calories a day. My precontest is gonna look like this
    Wk1-10 enan 500mg wk
    Wk1-10 eq 400mg wk
    The end of wk 10 will be 60 days out, I'll drop the oils and start prop 100mg eod and Winn 75mg eod leading up to the show as well as adding in clen , if you have competed or just have experience would love some feedback, I want to run AI and HCG , would y'all recommend arimidex or Aromasin on cycle?
    Thanks in advance guys

  2. #2
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    where to start? If i were you I would run the test e up to 2or3weeks out then drop it and run a AI like exemestan to keep the bloat down.
    Toss the prop if you ask me.
    Are you saying your prop is water based if your dropping oils 60days out?
    run the eq up to your show and raise the dose.

    What weight class are you trying to get into? i just did my first show on st.patrics day

  3. #3
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    But while you run the test up to 2or3weeks out drop the dose to 150mg a week or so. I wouldnt want to use test as the strongest anabolic in my pre comp cycle but just too keep your sex drive. Add sum tren and mast too or npp and mast.

  4. #4
    JM6075's Avatar
    JM6075 is offline Junior Member
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    The guy that's helping me out say to run enan and eq 10 wks then 60 days out drop oils and go to water base, he recommended water base test suspension but it's not available to me so he said prop would be fine with the winn, so your saying just to stick with the enan? Should I drop the eq 60 days out? What plan did you use?

  5. #5
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    as schmidty said, use test tren masteron .

    It will lean you right out, but is pretty toxic so make sure you use liver support supps while on it.
    You could maybe even run dbol for the first 4 weeks.

    exemestane like schmidty also said to keep bloat down.

    schmidty what do you rekona bout something like this?

    week 1-4
    Dbol 20-30mg
    Test enanthenate 500mg/w
    tren ace 75mg eod
    masteron 100mg eod

    week 4-10
    Test enanthenate 500mg/w
    tren ace 75mg eod
    masteron 100mg eod

  6. #6
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by JM6075 View Post
    The guy that's helping me out say to run enan and eq 10 wks then 60 days out drop oils and go to water base, he recommended water base test suspension but it's not available to me so he said prop would be fine with the winn, so your saying just to stick with the enan? Should I drop the eq 60 days out? What plan did you use?
    wow get a new trainer bud. If his diet is anything like his cycle advice your screwed!!! dont use test suspension at all while your getting ready for a show lt alone 60 days out

  7. #7
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    as schmidty said, use test tren masteron .

    It will lean you right out, but is pretty toxic so make sure you use liver support supps while on it.
    You could maybe even run dbol for the first 4 weeks.

    exemestane like schmidty also said to keep bloat down.

    schmidty what do you rekona bout something like this?

    week 1-4
    Dbol 20-30mg
    Test enanthenate 500mg/w
    tren ace 75mg eod
    masteron 100mg eod

    week 4-10
    Test enanthenate 500mg/w
    tren ace 75mg eod
    masteron 100mg eod
    lower test 6weeks out to 150mg a week or so. Personally i wouldnt use dbol up to my show unless your really experienced with it and how your body responds to it. Keep eq the whole time and bump up the masterone 4-6weeks out

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