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Thread: Test prop, winny, hcg, caber and nolva

  1. #1

    Test prop, winny, hcg, caber and nolva

    Hey guys. Been training nearly 13 yrs. I'm 34 yrs old have roughly 6 cycles. It's been 4 yrs since my last one. Need advice. I have 5000/mg of test prop. 2500mg winny, I have caber and Nola anytime I need. And 5000ui of hcg. What's the best way to go about this cycle. Btw I'm 190lbs lean 5'10. Thx for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    I would personally run the prop at something like 50-75mg ed or 100-150mg eod making for 350-525mg per week for 8 weeks mabey 9 weeks, math isnt great but it should last 9 weeks at 525mg week?

    Winny last 4 weeks at 60mg ed

    HCG 250 i.u twice weekly for duration of cycle

    Caber is not needed as prolactin shouldnt be an issue here and Nolva is a SERM not an A.I, it would work but isnt ideal so something like armidex or aromasin would be a better alternative to regulate estrogen,

    You can use the Nolva for PCT at week 1-4 40/40/20/20 daily

    I would also run Clomid for PCT at week 1-4 50/50/25/25 daily

    You can start PCT 3 days after last pin of prop and run the winny up to day before PCT

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