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Thread: Cycle suggestions pls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney Australia

    Cycle suggestions pls

    Hi guys,

    My stats are 38 male, 174cm, 75kg, 15% body fat, have had approx 6 cycles previously.

    I have my diet and training plan in order. Before hitting another cycle would like suggestions on best one for putting on lean muscle. I would like to put on 5-10kg.

    Sus 250 1ml twice a week, Winny twice a week (75mg) 1ml first two weeks then double there after. Total of 12 week cycle.

    Pct, clomid, nova. 14 days after cycle for four weeks.

    Or if someone has something better then please feel free to give me your recommendations.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    best lean mass gainers are test prop and tren so you may look into those compounds. winstrol is never used in the beginning of the cycle, it's a toning AAS that should be used near the end of the cycle. also, at 15% bodyfat, winny will do nothing for you. it only helps if you're under 10% bodyfat, so you may want to lose some weight before jumping on winstrol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by DamageDealer
    best lean mass gainers are test prop and tren so you may look into those compounds. winstrol is never used in the beginning of the cycle, it's a toning AAS that should be used near the end of the cycle. also, at 15% bodyfat, winny will do nothing for you. it only helps if you're under 10% bodyfat, so you may want to lose some weight before jumping on winstrol
    This thing of test prop vs test e or cyp and what makes you bloated or cuts you up is just crap. All aas build muscle. your diet will dictate how much fat and bloat you gain. Your best lean mass gainers are s good test base or test only and a diet of surplus calories w correct macros

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney Australia
    Ok thanks for that.

    From further research I see what you mean with hitting the whinny near the end
    Of your cycle is the way to go. It also allows for a
    Correct pct, as sus and winny commence
    Pct at different times after last injection. Starting both at week one stuffs this up.

    I will look into test prop and tren. Perhaps could u combine either of these
    With sus 250? Or just use either prop or tren?

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    as the poster above you said, diet is the key factor in lean mass gain. trenbolone is a very powerful substance, but it's also very harsh. generally, people i know combine test prop (or any other test ester) with trenbolone acetate for best lean gains. and just so you know, winny should be used at the end of the cycle, not in the beginning. yes, you can combine sustanon with tren. although it seems weird to me you're asking such simple questions with 6 cycles behind your belt. hmmm...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney Australia
    Ok thanks.

    To be perfectly honest mate, Ive never been real good at researching on my own and I have simply taken previous cycles based on advice from sources who provided me with the gear.

    As such i know now they have not given me the correct advice , hence why I prob never reached my desired goals. I do have a greater respect for diet and that's why once I get my cycle down pat, I will. Focus on my diet before even jjabbing myself expecting a wonder drug to do it for me.

    My mistake has been just going in gun hoe without getting correct info first. But I learn more from peoPle telling me than reading myself, that's why I'm here. I want to do it right this time.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    good choice. go to the nutrition section of the forum and ask people there to guide you on how to make a solid diet for lean muscle gains. then come back to gear

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    174cm, 75kg, 15% body fat.

    Your diet is off, you are not ready to cycle.

    ... and as for your goal of putting 5-10kg of lean muscle by the help of a 12 week cycle, you couldn't have possibly gone this far from the reality without the help of a strong imagination and wishful thinking. It won't happen.

    What else...

    Winstrol should be injected either ED or EOD for maintaining stable BL and hence a decent outcome, you are not supposed to follow an injection protocol such as twice a week...

    PCT does not start 14 days after your last Sustanon shot either... 14 days is not long enough for the Test Decanoate in Sustanon to clear off.

  9. #9
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamageDealer View Post
    best lean mass gainers are test prop and tren what? This is silly. Please explain to me how prop is a better lean mass gainer than say enanthate? so you may look into those compounds. winstrol is never used in the beginning of the cycle, Really? When I run test and tren i run lower dose winstrol right from jump. It has a great synergy with 19 nors (tren) and helps with estrogen a bit and also lowers shbgit's a toning AAS that should be used near the end of the cycle. also, at 15% bodyfat, winny will do nothing for you. it only helps if you're under 10% bodyfat, so you may want to lose some weight before jumping on winstrol
    Look im not trying to be a dick but often its best to share based on personal experience rather than things you have read. Im not saying what the op should or shouldnt do and im not trying to discourage you from posting, but making absolte statements like u did above without personal experience leads to the perpitration of misinformation. Perhaps if you state these are things you have heard or read- people can chime in and post their input and we can all learn.
    Again im in no way trying to discourage you from contributing and of course you can do so however you see fit. The above are just my opinions. Please dont take them wrong.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 04-10-2012 at 10:50 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    jimmyinkedup, as i completely agree with your statement about perpetration of misinformation, you may want to give him the benefit of doubt. maybe he is confused about the terminology in general. short-estered AAS are usually the choice of gear for cutting cycles that are synonymous with lean gains, yet experienced AAS users know that this lean gain is a phenomenon that is achieved by mostly diet, not necessarily choice of gear.

    yes, prop is not a better lean mass gainer than tren e if diet is crap while on prop, and vice versa.

    as far as ''presentation of the package'' is concerned, long estered AAS may cause greater levels of edema, comparatively speaking. this situation could be incorrectly perceived and interpreted as gains not being as lean on long estered AAS as opposed to short estered AAS.

    my intention is not to advocate DamageDealer here, but i have too made similar mistakes in my statements before by failing to express myself as clearly, forgetting that i was writing in a forum where no one has access to my thoughts, only to what i write.

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