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  1. #1
    ccsd774 is offline New Member
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    Question about adding Deca to a cycle for medicinal purposes

    I'm fixing to start a cycle of Tren A, Masteron , and Prop. This is my third cycle. My training partner had some Deca left over from a previous cycle he has given me for this very reason that i'm posting about. Probably only 2ml or so and it's dosed at 200mg/ml. I have been having some joint discomfort lately (just from having bad joints anyways, old football and jiu jitsu injuries etc.) I know Deca actually has the potential to reverse and heal some joint discomfort and injuries. So my question is, should I throw this deca in there and see if it helps? I know deca has a half life of about 14-16 days, so i'm thinking I could take these two ML's spaced about 12-14 days apart at the start of my cycle and may get a little bit of medicinal purposes out of it for my joints. I know it's not enought to see any gains from nor will it last the entire duration of my cycle, but as I stated, that's not why i'm wanting to add it. Anyone else's thoughts?

  2. #2
    yamaha243's Avatar
    yamaha243 is offline Junior Member
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    From what I kno... I thought deca an tren would counter act.... if ur looking for joint help I would go with npp rather than deca, since deca mainly for bulking... and ur running prop an tren, think npp would he a better choice

  3. #3
    ccsd774 is offline New Member
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    Thats true in a sense, NPP would be a better choice due to it's ester length and it's properties if I was going to actually use a compound like Deca in the cycle. I was just going to use what I had on hand, (the 2ml of Deca), if would help my joint discomfort any. It may not even be worth shooting for the medicinal purpose i'm wanting. I just don't know if the 400mg's of deca spread out a little would be enough to even help my joints. Just curious if anyone knows.

  4. #4
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    You are completely wasting your time with the deca . Don't run two 19 nors, not needed, and you don't have enough to make ANY difference.
    Of course except shutdown of your HPTA after one shot.

  5. #5
    ccsd774 is offline New Member
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    Well I will begin to shut down after my first injection of the cycle anyways so thats not a concern. And I as I said earlier, i'm not wanting to run the Deca for any gains or for the duration of the cycle. Only to see if it helps my joints, I wouldn't actually be running two nors for the duration of the cycle. So when you say I don't have enough to make ANY difference, are you saying I don't have enough to help with my joint discomfort?

  6. #6
    yamaha243's Avatar
    yamaha243 is offline Junior Member
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    I would just run a low dose of npp if u can get ur hands on, or a ligitimate stack which would he better.. Tren gonna shut u down regardles. But I dont think the amount of deca u have (2ml ) will suffice for joint repair, and would work well with the tren

  7. #7
    yamaha243's Avatar
    yamaha243 is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry.. tren wouldn't work well with the deca . Texting from phone
    I used deca, and it bloats me, can see it in my face. So I went to npp... I had a minor collar bone separation in high school from wrestling yrs ago... when ever I bench 225 or higher on incline it feels like my bones are grinding in my sholder. Npp an deca I don feel a thing

  8. #8
    ccsd774 is offline New Member
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    I may try to do the NPP then. Your right though, I really don't want to do Tren and some type of nandrolone at the same time. I just figured since I had the Deca on hand it might be worth a shot for the joint repair. I've already got the Tren along with everything else for the cycle and was really looking forward to using it. I'd also go so far as to say your right though, I don't think the 2ml would really be enough to really be a lot of help with these achy joints but thought due to it's properties I thought might help some. I've surprisingly never ran Deca so I don't know much about it and how it would effect me other than talking with others and reading up on it. Thanks for the input Yamaha

  9. #9
    yamaha243's Avatar
    yamaha243 is offline Junior Member
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    Deca for bulk so u would run it with sust or enanthate .
    I love tren , its all weather or not u can deal wit the joints. When I run prop an tren I'm usually working on lower weight more reps, and bulking ill have the deca an up the weights

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