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  1. #1
    ChrisVenn is offline New Member
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    21 Year Old DBol and Nolva cycle

    Hi guys been training for about 2 years and finally ready to do my 1st cycle after browsing this forum for over a year, I respect the fact many of the members will say im to young but I feel im now fully grown and mature enough to handle the gear.

    I work out 5x a week doing a diffrent muscle each day, Im 5,11 and weigh 155 pounds, would like to get to about 170 as I feel this would provide me with the look I would like to achieve. My diet is relatvley good but I will be ensuring its excellent for this cycle as I only intend on using AAS once as Ive always been sceptical.

    In terms of the cycle I was considering:

    Week 1 - 30mg ed
    Week 2 - 40mg ed
    Week 3 - 40mg ed
    Week 4 - 40mg ed
    Week 5 - 20mg ed

    Then start a Nolva PCT, will have this on hand through the cycle incase of gyno.

    Nolva taken at 20/20/20/20 eg

    I will also be taking tonkat ali abd tribulus as part of my PCT to increase my test levels.

    Any advice on this cycle would be really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for all your comments

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The advice is forget whatever you think you know or have learned and go back to the drawing board because even if you were ready (you are far from) it would be all wrong. Start learning what you should be doing by visiting the diet section. 5' 11" is still light and EASILY obtainable. You should be 190 lbs solid lean muscle before even considering aas. DONT say you are a hard gainer. Yeah yeah yeah, we hear it all the time. So was I, Until I learned how to eat. I'm 5' 8" 180 naturally on a good day without any aas. I use to be 155 for a long time (years) until I learned how to eat properly.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-05-2012 at 05:44 AM.

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    You will get the same advice you got in your 40mg Turinabol thread. Too young. Bad cycle.Plus you stated you were 19 yrs old then.

  4. #4
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    You will get the same advice you got in your 40mg Turinabol thread. Too young. Bad cycle.Plus you stated you were 19 yrs old then.
    in the next thread he'll say he's 23

    ChrisVenn, you have absolutely no idea what the fvck are you doing at that young age. dbol only cycle is shit for so many reasons i won't even state them here. you will lose all your gains after finishing that cycle, and your gains will be mostly water. you won't gain even an ounce of muscle with AAS, because you don't know how to eat. your stats confirm that. you are way too young, so forget about steroids for another 5 years. and do your research before embarassing yourself even further

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    No way Bro to young and even if you were old enough you are to small.Your diet is way off.Hit the diet section they will help.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    No way Bro to young and even if you were old enough you are to small.Your diet is way off.Hit the diet section they will help.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    in all honesty yes you are to you. Why not make you diet perfect now. Why wait for on cycle? You are thin for your hieght and could gain naturally easily. And that d-bol cycle isnt going to get you to 170lbs.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    IhaveTeenyBallz is offline New Member
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    I don't advocate steroid use at all anymore, BUT I do dig science. If you were to take D-Bol as a morning dose, say 7 am every day, you actually end up with an unsuppressed endocrine system (with an anti estrogen, preverably an aromatase inhibitor.) This just has to do with D-Bol's incredibly low level of androgenic activity, combined with the high level of androgenic activity that you experience in the mornings... it's like your body doesn't even notice the d-bol, and they've done it with up to 50 mg :-)

    A little morning dose d-bol to brighten up your day.

    That said, there's no point in ever adjusting your dose during a cycle.... pyramiding is nonsense.

    Your body has it's own incredibly anabolic hormone.... it's called insulin , and its wayyyyy more anabolic than D-Bol. If you figure out how to use it, you'll grow like a weed.

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by IhaveTeenyBallz View Post
    I don't advocate steroid use at all anymore, BUT I do dig science. If you were to take D-Bol as a morning dose, say 7 am every day, you actually end up with an unsuppressed endocrine system (with an anti estrogen, preverably an aromatase inhibitor.) This just has to do with D-Bol's incredibly low level of androgenic activity, combined with the high level of androgenic activity that you experience in the mornings... it's like your body doesn't even notice the d-bol, and they've done it with up to 50 mg :-)

    A little morning dose d-bol to brighten up your day.

    That said, there's no point in ever adjusting your dose during a cycle.... pyramiding is nonsense.

    Your body has it's own incredibly anabolic hormone.... it's called insulin, and its wayyyyy more anabolic than D-Bol. If you figure out how to use it, you'll grow like a weed.
    what science do you have to prove this. I have heard of people doing it with 10mg never 50mg.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    empireants901 is offline Associate Member
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    5 11, 155lbs ? That's tiny ... I'm 23 and I'm not starting a cycle until I hit 185~90 lbs sub 10% bf at 5 9 .... I'm currently 175 7-8% bf

  11. #11
    empireants901 is offline Associate Member
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    You should wait until you're 25... Reason being, you're ****ing tiny. Say you get your training together and put on 10 lbs of solid muscle a year... You'd be 195 by then and would get the most out of your cycle. In my opinion, the main reason for waiting until your 25 is for your genetic potential ... Not so much the risked side effects, there's more sides to people who smoke or drink. Iv seen many people die from alcohol and tobacco. I know many people who have juiced ( years ago some even back in the 70s ) and people who juice now who waited to do it and pct and cycle right and got their blood work done correctly and return back to normal levels an keep most their gains ... Wtf would be the point of you going on cycle at 5 11 and 155? Even if you got 170ish thats still not even that big

  12. #12
    IhaveTeenyBallz is offline New Member
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    what science do you have to prove this. I have heard of people doing it with 10mg never 50mg
    This was some of Cy Wilson and the other chemist from Biotest's work... what the **** was his name. Bill something? Christ I don't remember, it's been about ten years. I assure you that they did up to 50, I was one of Cy's buddies.... or at least we emailed each other regularly. In their attempts to formulate prohormones when they were legal, they got quite deep into endocrinology as I'm sure you could well imagine.

    10mg can be done without an aromatase inhibitor and you will get no suppression. D-bol is only very mildly androgenic , all of the suppression associated with the drug comes from estrogen binding like a mofo to your pituitary. Without that effect, you can hit it really hard in the morning, and it's not a problem at all.......... unless you felt like doing a couple shots of whiskey later..... then it could be an issue.

    The aromatase inhibitor obvi takes care of that shit. Food for thought I suppose.

  13. #13
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IhaveTeenyBallz View Post
    This was some of Cy Wilson and the other chemist from Biotest's work... what the **** was his name. Bill something? Christ I don't remember, it's been about ten years. I assure you that they did up to 50, I was one of Cy's buddies.... or at least we emailed each other regularly. In their attempts to formulate prohormones when they were legal, they got quite deep into endocrinology as I'm sure you could well imagine.

    10mg can be done without an aromatase inhibitor and you will get no suppression. D-bol is only very mildly androgenic , all of the suppression associated with the drug comes from estrogen binding like a mofo to your pituitary. Without that effect, you can hit it really hard in the morning, and it's not a problem at all.......... unless you felt like doing a couple shots of whiskey later..... then it could be an issue.

    The aromatase inhibitor obvi takes care of that shit. Food for thought I suppose.
    Do you have any sort of peer-reviewed published study on this?

  14. #14
    Tigershark's Avatar
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  15. #15
    DGK is offline Member
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    And another one who thinks he is impervious to the negative effects of aas.. ya know what do no less them 3 ml per pin bro load that needle up and just slam it in. Make sure you dont aspirate , and whatever u do do not steralize the injection site before or after and always use the same needle.

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