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Being on a cycle is the absolute last thing that someone should be considering. Like everyone preaches here, its get your diet right, get your rest right, get your training right, THEN jump on a cycle (providing your of age, weight and bf%).
I've been sporty or in the gym life since 16 and my mates accept it. Whenever we hang out at someone's house I either bring prepared meals or cook at their place. I've been doing it for years and they are fine with it. Shit, sometimes I even cook feveryone and they love it. Then again, these days most of my friends are in the gym life now so it makes it much easier. I used to hang around people who got f*cked up every week end with drugs and alcohol. It's not good for you to hang around people like that if you have goals at the gym. Like they say, if you sleep with dogs you'll wake up with fleas. Find some new friends or better yet, get them into the gym life and they'll never look back. I've converted some of my old drug f*cked friends, they love it and sometimes are even more motivated than me
As for your gf, in my opinion they can be the worst obstacle in your gym life. I was on and off (mostly on) with the same girl for about 3 years. It wasn't so much skipping meals and constantly eating cheat meals, it was more f'ing up my sleeping pattern and ruining training the next day. Sex the night before gym will ruin your sleep and drain your glycogen levels. I stopped seeing her about 4-5 months ago and let me tell you that I train harder and with much more intensity now. IMO the guy with a shit diet and who sleeps well will always out-perform the guy with a perfect diet but with a terrible sleep pattern. Obviously neither is ideal, but you get the picture. I'm not saying break it up with your gf, but just let her know how seriously you take the gym and if she doesnt support you or if she gets all f'ing bitchy like they usually do, just take a break from her. Is this girl someone who you see yourself with in 5 years time? If not, what's the point lol? Don't let her f*ck up your gym if it isn't serious.
Regrets? Nope. I'd rather be building muscle then wake up with a hang-over and a good story. Girls are girls, they come and go. If she is worth it she'll support you with your dreams/goals.