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Thread: How do you cope with bein around people/mates/girl when on cycle?

  1. #1

    How do you cope with bein around people/mates/girl when on cycle?

    The past few days ive been hanging out late nights with mates, missing the fking gym, missing my diet/meals etc and its stuffing me up in general. and this is a very important time of my life atm(being on cycle) have to make the best of it.Because im the sorta person with plenty of mates/things to do always getting invited out sometimes i just dont reply back to there txts or even show up because of it. Even hanging out with the missus is starting to get to me hanging out till 4am and sleeping late on my days off etc. Then missing meals and shit. Its not a case of figuring my schedule out its just how things are atm. I dunno if i like it or not. Would be better if i wasnt on cycle because im trying to be so dedicated and as displicined as i can be. Anyways how do u guys cope when on cycle. Socially is there anything u do differently/regret etc?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    just say you cant go out and get to the gym.

    or if you do go out make sure you order food and eat it. chicken salads all night long.

  3. #3
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    Like anything in life, there's a trade-off.

    I look at my training as an absolute. It's not an option to miss lifting. It's like day and night... They're gonna happen, so I plan accordingly.

    I don't know, I still manage to keep my girl happy, keep my head above water in my professional life, have a good social life with my friends, and drag a knee or two on my bike...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post
    just say you cant go out and get to the gym.

    or if you do go out make sure you order food and eat it. chicken salads all night long.

    yeh its just the girl im seeing right now i dont wanna seem like a dick and start avoiding her. Im not selfish by all means in fact im WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OFF selfish lol. Its just that when your putting substances in your body and playing around with your hormones/body in general you wanna do everything you can to make sure your going to be alright. And things can alter that as i mentioned. Just confused atm thats all. But when im hanging out with mates/girls im extremely happy/ laughing etc.

  5. #5
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    Forgot one of the most important things!!! I keep my dog happy too!! (Sorry Beretta... I love you BooBoo)

  6. #6
    I would rather wait till after i finish my cycle tbh but dont wanna become a loser lol.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2008
    yeah the more you ignore the texts and calls the calmer it gets people sort of get the message in the end and just realise your 2 busy or just say you not drinking for 3 months thats what i do thing is if you want to do all these things and you do then theres no point in cycleing really you wont get full benefit!!!
    As for the missis they can get to you at the best of times so thats normal lololol

  8. #8
    hahaha. How do u go about doing all these thins mate?

  9. #9
    thats true man just dont wanna lose friends still wanna see them but feels like im misssing gym i use to go 5-6 days a week the past few days ive been 3 days and didnt even get to do arms/ calves etc. And im on fking cycle. Also didnt follow diet for 2 days.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    You'll be fine. Stay dedicated. Eyes on the prize.

    You'll be okay if you missed a day or two of dieting and training. Just don't let it become a routine.

  11. #11
    Thanks guys

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    It's a hard life. I quit drinking just recently up to week 7 now don't know why just stopped I haven't missed the gym since then either. My mrs understands I wanna train it keeps me off the piss and the drugs hahaha and I enjoy being healthy feeling good.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bob87 View Post
    It's a hard life. I quit drinking just recently up to week 7 now don't know why just stopped I haven't missed the gym since then either. My mrs understands I wanna train it keeps me off the piss and the drugs hahaha and I enjoy being healthy feeling good.
    hahaha i hear that bro

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Being on a cycle is the absolute last thing that someone should be considering. Like everyone preaches here, its get your diet right, get your rest right, get your training right, THEN jump on a cycle (providing your of age, weight and bf%).

    I've been sporty or in the gym life since 16 and my mates accept it. Whenever we hang out at someone's house I either bring prepared meals or cook at their place. I've been doing it for years and they are fine with it. Shit, sometimes I even cook feveryone and they love it. Then again, these days most of my friends are in the gym life now so it makes it much easier. I used to hang around people who got f*cked up every week end with drugs and alcohol. It's not good for you to hang around people like that if you have goals at the gym. Like they say, if you sleep with dogs you'll wake up with fleas. Find some new friends or better yet, get them into the gym life and they'll never look back. I've converted some of my old drug f*cked friends, they love it and sometimes are even more motivated than me

    As for your gf, in my opinion they can be the worst obstacle in your gym life. I was on and off (mostly on) with the same girl for about 3 years. It wasn't so much skipping meals and constantly eating cheat meals, it was more f'ing up my sleeping pattern and ruining training the next day. Sex the night before gym will ruin your sleep and drain your glycogen levels. I stopped seeing her about 4-5 months ago and let me tell you that I train harder and with much more intensity now. IMO the guy with a shit diet and who sleeps well will always out-perform the guy with a perfect diet but with a terrible sleep pattern. Obviously neither is ideal, but you get the picture. I'm not saying break it up with your gf, but just let her know how seriously you take the gym and if she doesnt support you or if she gets all f'ing bitchy like they usually do, just take a break from her. Is this girl someone who you see yourself with in 5 years time? If not, what's the point lol? Don't let her f*ck up your gym if it isn't serious.

    Regrets? Nope. I'd rather be building muscle then wake up with a hang-over and a good story. Girls are girls, they come and go. If she is worth it she'll support you with your dreams/goals.
    Last edited by Super-Chump; 04-06-2012 at 01:11 AM. Reason: grammar

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Super-Chump View Post
    Being on a cycle is the absolute last thing that someone should be considering. Like everyone preaches here, its get your diet right, get your rest right, get your training right, THEN jump on a cycle (providing your of age, weight and bf%).

    I've been sporty or in the gym life since 16 and my mates accept it. Whenever we hang out at someone's house I either bring prepared meals or cook at their place. I've been doing it for years and they are fine with it. Shit, sometimes I even cook feveryone and they love it. Then again, these days most of my friends are in the gym life now so it makes it much easier. I used to hang around people who got f*cked up every week end with drugs and alcohol. It's not good for you to hang around people like that if you have goals at the gym. Like they say, if you sleep with dogs you'll wake up with fleas. Find some new friends or better yet, get them into the gym life and they'll never look back. I've converted some of my old drug f*cked friends, they love it and sometimes are even more motivated than me

    As for your gf, in my opinion they can be the worst obstacle in your gym life. I was on and off (mostly on) with the same girl for about 3 years. It wasn't so much skipping meals and constantly eating cheat meals, it was more f'ing up my sleeping pattern and ruining training the next day. Sex the night before gym will ruin your sleep and drain your glycogen levels. I stopped seeing her about 4-5 months ago and let me tell you that I train harder and with much more intensity now. IMO the guy with a shit diet and who sleeps well will always out-perform the guy with a perfect diet but with a terrible sleep pattern. Obviously neither is ideal, but you get the picture. I'm not saying break it up with your gf, but just let her know how seriously you take the gym and if she doesnt support you or if she gets all f'ing bitchy like they usually do, just take a break from her. Is this girl someone who you see yourself with in 5 years time? If not, what's the point lol? Don't let her f*ck up your gym if it isn't serious.

    Regrets? Nope. I'd rather be building muscle then wake up with a hang-over and a good story. Girls are girls, they come and go. If she is worth it she'll support you with your dreams/goals.

    thanks for that bro just motivated me heaps

  16. #16
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    West Australia
    How do you cope off cycle?? Sounds like this is the first time that you're trying to take your gym and eating seriously, if that's the case you may not have been ready to get on cycle. Your training and eating habits should have been worked into you life style a long time ago.

    You're not far into cycle and struggling to stay on track. How do you think youre going to go off cycle.
    Another reason why people warn others new to the gym not to start using, they do not have the discipline and routine as far as training and diet. It's all well and good saying I'll put the effort in for 3 months but what about afterwards.

    It really is not hard to maintain a normal professional and social life in combination with bbing and steroid use. But you do have to make many changes in your life. You obviously have not dedicated yourself previously and are struggling to do so. Drop the gear, re access your priorities in life. If you still would like to travel down the long and endless road of bodybuilding, you're going to have to juggle your life around that... This is where years of training and experience is necessary before committing to steroid use.
    Last edited by auswest; 04-06-2012 at 04:21 AM.

  17. #17
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    Well for the most part I dont have a proplem with that until Deer season.Then I just take a couple months off beacuse I am up real early and usually in the woods all day.So working out does fit in then.But I dont party or drink.Maybe a beer or 2 once in a while and neither does my wife.And I dont hang out with anyone never did.Yeah weird but I like it like that if I want to talk 2 someone.Well my neighbor down the rd

  18. #18
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    It takes a certian discipline to be able to train and eat the way you should. I dont think you should be a cycle if you cant fully committ.

  19. #19
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    Im lucky to have a wife whos just as big on diet and fitness as i am. shes also willing to help w the increased libido lol

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    Like anything in life, there's a trade-off.

    I look at my training as an absolute. It's not an option to miss lifting. It's like day and night... They're gonna happen, so I plan accordingly.

    I don't know, I still manage to keep my girl happy, keep my head above water in my professional life, have a good social life with my friends, and drag a knee or two on my bike...
    What he said.

    Although weather has been sh!t here so I haven't been out on the bike yet this year. Hell the west side of the state has already had a round of races. It was in the rain but we had a snow storm just a few days ago.

    God I miss riding!

  21. #21
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    I am pretty sure everyone on here has heard this.

    This is not a fad, it is a lifestyle.

    I want to be solid as I can be and get to a larger size and maintain it.

    I am very selfish, this is a part of me now-for life. My kids are right there with it.

    Everything else is 2nd, I love the ol' lady. But, this is how it is. I still make time for everything important in my life.

    People ask me how I do so much and still sleep 8+ hours per day. I prioritize my life in order of importance. I never stop, I can't. If I do I won't feel like I am accomplishing what I should.

    It's your life, there is no right or wrong in today's world(to a point). But, for every action there is a reaction.

  22. #22
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    Working out only takes maybe 5-7 hours per week. You just need to organize your time better, or go out less.

  23. #23
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    i agree. i goto the gym 4-5 days a week. i can be out in 45 mins if i dont do cardio

    this isnt my life, i like to look good but its not a career or paying the bills and i dont compete.. I'm not giving up having fun or friends and family for an extra couple lbs of muscle if that.

    I still go out. Not every night or every week. But i still party. Missing 1 meal or a half ass work out isnt going to matter in the long run imo. Its a marathon not a sprint
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  24. #24
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    Agree with the guys above that said working out only takes a few hours a week. People ask how I can spend so much time at the gym and I remind them that most people watch 30 hours of television a week. I cut out TV before lifting, work or wife.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    Like anything in life, there's a trade-off.

    I look at my training as an absolute. It's not an option to miss lifting. It's like day and night... They're gonna happen, so I plan accordingly.

    I don't know, I still manage to keep my girl happy, keep my head above water in my professional life, have a good social life with my friends, and drag a knee or two on my bike...
    Why is this bro? Are you planning to get a pro card some day? Does your career involve your physique or strength? If not, then why? I used to be the same way, calculating every single calorie, never missing a training session, getting 8 hours of sleep a night on the dot. But I asked myself, for what? I don't have the genetics to compete and my career field doesn't require me to be huge. I found that I am much happier trying to do my best in the gym and kitchen, and when real life shit comes in to play, I accept it. People blow this shit out of proportion. Missing a meal or two is going to set you back that much. Missing a training session isn't going to kill you ....

    Back to the OP - if someone or something is CONTINUOUSLY fvcking up your diet and training routine, remove them or it from your life. If you don't, then THEY will become your life

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i agree. i goto the gym 4-5 days a week. i can be out in 45 mins if i dont do cardio

    this isnt my life, i like to look good but its not a career or paying the bills and i dont compete.. I'm not giving up having fun or friends and family for an extra couple lbs of muscle if that.

    I still go out. Not every night or every week. But i still party. Missing 1 meal or a half ass work out isnt going to matter in the long run imo. Its a marathon not a sprint

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Why is this bro? Are you planning to get a pro card some day? Does your career involve your physique or strength? If not, then why?
    Because it's a priority in his life. Different people have different priorities and there is nothing wrong with that. I have found balance in my priorities. I value working out more than drinking with my friends, and my friends understand that. Now there are times I'll go to dinner and eat stuff not on my meal plan because I value the time with my friends more then the non-planned meal. But it's about figuring out what works for you. I'll ride the crap outta my bike early in the season but when football comes on in the fall I might pass up a ride to watch a game.

  28. #28
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    Dude, Leather, just budget your time better. As Bonaparte said, you shouldn't be spending more then 5-7 hours in the gym every week. And as far as missing a meal every now and then, it doesn't matter if you're just training for fun.

    I think that might be part of your problem, actually. Do you see the training and dieting as fun? Or as a chore?

  29. #29
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    From what I can tell you need to get off cycle and do proper pct. You jumped the gun and now you are regretting it, subconsciously. If you can't keep training and diet on point now, that you say you started seriously lifting and dieting, you will go back to being less than what you were to begin with. I highly doubt you will keep training as soon as you get off gear. Just my .02 cents.

  30. #30
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    Also very true, it a 7 day week 8 hours of working out is way plenty. That is nothing really, you can even do 5 and still be good.

    Shit, if you eat crap and hit the drive through. Between eating and waiting that's about what you will spend.

  31. #31
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    I am in the same boat.. Theweather here has been bad and I miss riding my bike

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer

    Why is this bro? Are you planning to get a pro card some day? Does your career involve your physique or strength? If not, then why? I used to be the same way, calculating every single calorie, never missing a training session, getting 8 hours of sleep a night on the dot. But I asked myself, for what? I don't have the genetics to compete and my career field doesn't require me to be huge. I found that I am much happier trying to do my best in the gym and kitchen, and when real life shit comes in to play, I accept it. People blow this shit out of proportion. Missing a meal or two is going to set you back that much. Missing a training session isn't going to kill you ....

    Back to the OP - if someone or something is CONTINUOUSLY fvcking up your diet and training routine, remove them or it from your life. If you don't, then THEY will become your life
    Look at my pic. Do I look like I'm goin for a pro card? I just look at training like it's something that is built into my schedule. And I don't count calories at all... I'm at a bar right now having potato skins and a coke. And if I can commit to just hitting the gym and eating half-decently, I don't see why some people can't do the same. Like someone else posted, people watch 30 hours of TV a week...

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    Look at my pic. Do I look like I'm goin for a pro card? I just look at training like it's something that is built into my schedule. And I don't count calories at all... I'm at a bar right now having potato skins and a coke. And if I can commit to just hitting the gym and eating half-decently, I don't see why some people can't do the same. Like someone else posted, people watch 30 hours of TV a week...

    Your post made it seem like its do or die when it comes to training. "It's not an option to miss lifting." I just tend to disagree. Depression, Stress, Family Issues, Relationship issues can make it difficult to train ALL the time. I think most of us on here have it instilled in our minds that if you miss a training session once in a while, your physique is going to go to shit. When it's not the case. Too many people on here really get carried away with the BBing lifestyle - I am guilty of this in my younger years. You either have it or you don't when it comes to BBing, missing a session or day once in a while has zero impact on overall progress.

  34. #34
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    you gotta live your life but when cycling you have to make sacrifices if you wish to make the best out of it

    At the very least you have to show up to the gym lol

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer

    Your post made it seem like its do or die when it comes to training. "It's not an option to miss lifting." I just tend to disagree. Depression, Stress, Family Issues, Relationship issues can make it difficult to train ALL the time. I think most of us on here have it instilled in our minds that if you miss a training session once in a while, your physique is going to go to shit. When it's not the case. Too many people on here really get carried away with the BBing lifestyle - I am guilty of this in my younger years. You either have it or you don't when it comes to BBing, missing a session or day once in a while has zero impact on overall progress.
    True. I hear that. I just really like lifting and I don't feel good when I miss more than a day as a rest day. I make it a priority to continue doing my hobby.

  36. #36
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    If you want the desired results you need to sacrifice somethings but you gotta manage your time well so your able to take advantage of your strength and throw your girl around the room for a little good old fashioned fun!!!

  37. #37
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    take advantage of the increased libido

  38. #38
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    if you lack "motivation" to go to the gym...then you should definitely get off the precious juice kid....

  39. #39
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    In the end, it just comes down to choices dude.
    I go out all the time, infact most weekends till 3-4am in the morning, i make sure i consume atleast 90% of my diet, missing a meal once or twice in a week(depending on the meal) as others have said dont really do alot.
    But i try to do everything properly as i see this as a life style even if others dont understand it, this what i have wanted my entire life since i first knew what body building was when i was 4 or 5, sure there was alot of times where i doubted myself but everyone goes threw that.

    if your finding it hard to make the time for things, you must be very busy.
    Tell the girl that gym is part of your life and important to you, she will understand and if your only going for an hour or so, thats less than 5% of the day.
    When it comes to your friends, why dont you just drive out sober and see how the night goes, often its slow and they wont mind if you go home early.

    in the end, going to bed is your choice, you could always say at midnight that your exhausted and try go to sleep or that you have to leave.
    make an excuse, blame something else(not some one else) and that will usually diffuse any sort of judgement people have towards you.

    in the end, people always give me crap about not drinking or being a big dumb muscle bound guy.. i just smile at them because im living how i want to and they are obviously not happy with themselves if they have to pick out things in other people.

    p.s. take a protein shake out clubbing and leave it in your car, people will laugh at you but **** them.

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