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Thread: Clen and PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Clen and PCT

    So I want to make sure I'm clear on the theory of using Clen during PCT. I'm surplus caloric intake during a bulking cycle. I'm my case +500-800 cal. Say my pre cycle TDEE is 3100, of course it will change during the cycle as I put on mass. My post cycle TDEE is 3600. If I reduce my caloric intake to TDEE during PCT and add Clen with it's thermogenic properties I would be at a deficit in my calories leaning me out, but clens anti-catabolic properties would allow me to keep my gains?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I know there are some people out there that have used clen during pct and I'd really like to know more about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You must eat more during pct, other wise your gains will diminish fairly quickly, this is while your hormones become stable, i am in pct with nolva, clom, and clen and eat like a monster, clen aids with helping fat dissolve but you still have to put in the effort, as far as will you keep your gains, no clen is doesnt work like that if you dont eat enough it will hurt your gains in the end. Just my experience.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by minitourwvu View Post
    You must eat more during pct, other wise your gains will diminish fairly quickly, this is while your hormones become stable, i am in pct with nolva, clom, and clen and eat like a monster, clen aids with helping fat dissolve but you still have to put in the effort, as far as will you keep your gains, no clen is doesnt work like that if you dont eat enough it will hurt your gains in the end. Just my experience.
    I don't quite understand that part. Clen acts on the thyroid increasing your BMR.

    So for example if you're eating at maintenance say 3000 cal then take clen it ups your BMR so eating the same you're now in a caloric deficit and because of Clen's anti-catabolic properties you're able to maintain muscle more effectively while in a caloric deficit. So how does it pertain to PCT? If you're eating a surplus of calories you're going to put fat on. If you eat at a deficit you'll lose gains. If you're eating a surplus during PCT and taking clen to get closer to maintenance, why not just lower caloric intake to maintenance instead?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by evander87

    I don't quite understand that part. Clen acts on the thyroid increasing your BMR.

    So for example if you're eating at maintenance say 3000 cal then take clen it ups your BMR so eating the same you're now in a caloric deficit and because of Clen's anti-catabolic properties you're able to maintain muscle more effectively while in a caloric deficit. So how does it pertain to PCT? If you're eating a surplus of calories you're going to put fat on. If you eat at a deficit you'll lose gains. If you're eating a surplus during PCT and taking clen to get closer to maintenance, why not just lower caloric intake to maintenance instead?
    Bc you actually want to eat way surplus while your body adjustes, so if you dont mind putting on a fat you dont need clen for pct, for me i want to ensure i rat around 700-900surplus and work out just as hard as in cycle, while maintaining the same bf% or even lower it, so far i started pct with 10% now i am at 8.3% and its only my 2nd week, and i plan on running it 4 end cycle weight was 201lbs now i am 197lbs. So im deff losing the water bloat but looking great i think the clen is worth it.

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