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  1. #1
    robbielash12 is offline New Member
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    Ending cycle after 3 pins of Test-e... need pct? or no?

    Hey everyone!

    I just have a quick question. I want to end my cycle of Test-e, i have only pinned 3 times(250ml/x2week). I did a lot of research before I started and thought I was ready to take this step. However I am only 22 and realized that I have much more to learn and a lot more room to improve naturally. Also not wanting to take the risk of running into any complications down the road.

    Should I still run PCT after 14 days? I have Liquidnolva on hand and also DAA. Please, any advice would be helpful!

    Last edited by robbielash12; 04-06-2012 at 04:09 PM.

  2. #2
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    How london did u run for? And yes just to be on safe side run it for 2 weeks. Start week after last injection

  3. #3
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    yes, run the nolva at normal pct dose. you're correct about waiting two weeks after last pin

  4. #4
    robbielash12 is offline New Member
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    its only been a week and a half

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Run nova and clomid

  6. #6
    DanB is offline Banned
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    if you have nolva on hand I would run it for mabey 7-10 days at 20mg for 5days then 10mg for 5days

    You did the right thing stopping mate, eat, eat, eat then when you reach top end for your stats, run a cycle, I wish I done what I just advised, I'd be a fvcking monster now if I took my own advise lol

    I have no personal experience on a pct so short but am basing my info on the findings of one of our respected members in this thread
    Last edited by DanB; 04-06-2012 at 06:11 PM.

  7. #7
    wrathMcGrath is offline Junior Member
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    It's probably not a must-do, given that your HPTA is likely still active (or easily recovering, if shut down). But since you've got chems on hand, I'd run a short PCT.

  8. #8
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
    >Good Luck< is offline Productive Member
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    Better safe than sorry...

  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    As DanB said just run the nolva at a low dose for 2 wks. You could certainly get away with no PCT but since you have nolva on hand run it. When you have been fully shut down for a long time it takes multiple compounds and a long time of supplementation to allow the body to recover enough to reestablish its own function. However shut down partially for a short while is different so run it at a low dose for a short period as you are hardly shut down and the idea is to get you own system back to normal as quickly as possible, not to delay the process with an extended PCT.

    By the way great decision on stopping the cycle,


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