I was always told to keep it in the refrigerator?
I was always told to keep it in the refrigerator?
Not necessary, a cool (room temp) dark place, unless reconstituted peptides or similar,Originally Posted by ironbeck
K, then i wouldn't have to let the bottle sit, or roll it between my hands to warm it up for drawling.
Umm nop what exactly are you using? What gauge pin are you using to draw it?Originally Posted by ironbeck
Test E....with a 23g, don"t seem to have any problems drawling right out of the fridge, but I have in the past with a 21-22gage with Deca
Also I've used in the past Deca, primobolan depot, cypniate and never had any injection site(glutes) problems, but I still have a nott from the Test E?
Last inject 4 days ago
They do not have to be refrigerated, a cool room temperature place, out of sunlight.. In a box in the cupboard.
I use 23 gauge , a little slow even at room temp, will prob go a fair bit larger next time for drawing.
even better in a safe all kept together in a cupboard mate
In a safe? I'm not storing a kilo of blow or smack lol.
I bought a tool box today with a padlock on it and it sits at the top of my cupboards. Prior to that I had shit everywhere. Stashing pins in my car, ancillaries in the bathroom, gear in a protein tub, now it's all in kne safe place under lock and key
tks for your input guys
I just keep larger quantities in my desk or a safe, and the vials I'm currently using in my gym bag.
In Canada, it's not such a big deal IMO. Legal to posses but not legal to buy or sell. That's my understanding of it anyways
That sucks, man. And sometimes, depends what is most convenient.
Yeah, my understanding as well. I've even heard if it is seized, it needs to be returned within a certain period of time. Mind you I have no way of validating that, so take it with a grain of salt. But, I do know it's class VII in Canada, legal to possess.
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