I'm military and have been running Test Prop for seven weeks and Var for the last two. My gains in this short period of time have been unbelievable. So much so that it has raised the attention of my team leaders and our big boss. I've been pulled aside by a team mate and told that I may be given a commander directed drug test - specifically for steroids. Due to this information, I've decided to come off cycle and begin PCT.
My last pin was Monday, April 2nd. For fear of the clomid or nolva showing up on a drug test I waited until today, April 7th (5 days later) to start PCT. I've taken some time off from work and will have about two weeks before I need to return. My plan was to run the prop a full 10 weeks adding the Var for the last 4. My PCT would have started three days after my last pin with Liquid clomid 100/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.
Since I was only able to do 7 weeks of prop and 1 week of var... how, if at all, should I adjust my PCT? Though I still feel full of energy and have no side effects, I started the PCT today with a dose of 100mg clomid and 40mg nolva just to play it safe. Any advice for here on out would be greatly appreciated.
Also, the liquid clomid tastes terrible and the lurking after taste is worse. Is it okay to add this to juice or something? Thanks.